~school, etc.~

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My brother likes watching Minecraft videos on YouTube, and I swear every Minecraft YouTuber has the exact same voice.

I also played with him in Minecraft today, which was...interesting. He spawned a bunch of vindicators and put me in survival mode. And then spawned the warden.

Anyway, um, look at me, actually updating my stories multiple days in a row! I don't know how many people are going to actually read them, but it makes me feel pretty good about myself.

School's been about the same, at least today. I feel kinda invisible and alone but it's strangely comforting. Until it's not and I start to feel :/.

I'd been sitting with my friend at lunch, but she stopped coming. Not exactly sure why.

Earlier in the year I had a different lunchtime and then they changed it. Then I at least had a couple of people to sit with.

But oh well. I'm used to sitting alone at lunch. Its happened a lot before.

Oh yeah, a fun thing happened today....not.

I had to go to the attendance office to give them an excuse note for Thursday. And the lady made me feel very stupid...

Trying not to think about that because it shouldn't be a big deal. But I think too much about lots of things.

Like right now, when I was writing this, I was reminded of the fact that a) the manager lady I had messaged about the whole work thing still hadn't responded

And b) shE'S SAID THINGS IN THE EVERYONE CHAT, so it's not like she doesn't have time to send messages. I just...ugh, this whole situation is stressing me out.

I have a couple of projects at school that I'm kind of halfway worried about in the back of my mind.

I know its stupid, though, because I have a lot of time to get them done.

Also, before I forget about them, i had some wierd dreams last night.


Guess what. As I was writing this I saw the manager write something else in the everyone chat....


Do not think about that...

Anyway my dream was about me sleeping over at some random person's house. It was a pretty big house. But I think I was there because I was supposed to take care of their chickens?

I don't know.

That's all the details I remember, but I know when I woke up at like 4 a.m. (and then trying to go back to sleep), I could remember more.

Things to look forward to though:

-Purple Hyacinth and Watermelon update tonight. Seven Years Later too but I'm not as invested in that one.

(Those are all webtoons btw).

I could write more if I really tried, but honestly, 400+ words is way more than I thought I'd get out.

So I'll leave it at that for now.

Actually, one more thing.

Shoutout to KainGodchilds for listening to me rant about life today and then gave really good life advice, as they do:)

Galaxy out.


Written February 6th, 2023

Drifting ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon