~April 10th, 2023~

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I really should go to bed soon, cause I gotta wake up before 6. But I wanted to write down some thoughts first, and it's just easier to type on a computer. 

Yes, this computer is like, 5 years old at this point, but it still works. That's something. 

Today has been a pretty good day, actually. I got my paycheck from work, so that was good. Most of the time I'm working the day we get paid anyway, but not today. My dad was about to go run an errand, so we went by YourPie (the place I work) and then went to Lowe's (which is where my dad needed to go).


Our fridge is possessed. 

Okay, it just doesn't work right, like it leaks and stuff, but posessed sounds a lot cooler. 

And I guess there was some drama about trying to buy a new fridge last time...so he had to go talk to some people, which, you know, sounds kinda lame, but I was in a pretty good mood so I didn't mind too much. 

You know what's interesting? Last time we had to go to Lowe's to get a new washing machine (cause...apparently you aren't supposed to climb in them.............anywayyyy), I was wearing my red beanie too. 

I felt so rebellious wearing it at school today. Okay, not really. But kinda. 

Like, look at me, wearing a hat on the day we are actually allowed to wear hats. That's because it's the Month of the Military Child or something, idk, I guess there's a lot of military kids in our area? So there's some spirit week thing this week and today you were allowed to wear a hat. What's tommorrow? 

I don't know, don't really care. 

I feel like today had a pretty good work/fun balance, though. 

When I was in Lowe's with my dad, I finished watching an episode of Sk8 the Infinity (it's this anime I found out about because of my sister's friend. And honestly, it's not bad). 

Story time: I was home sick a couple weeks ago, and my sister was like, hey, you should watch this. So we did. 

One thing that bugs me though, is that on crunchyroll, you have to watch like 4 ads to watch an episode for free. And then it like randomly gives you more ads in the middle of the show.

Besides that, it's great. 

Oh yeah, and then there's the whole it's-in-Japanese-thing. Cause it only lets you watch a few of the episodes dubbed. 

But there are some ships in it that are (more or less) canon. Just...there's a lot of moments. Even if you're not looking for them. 

Because clearly I don't have enough obsessions/hyperfixations...whatever you wanna call them. 


The fridge has been acquired, but there's been some trouble getting it in the door. 

Apparently I might have to help? 

Here's the thing: I don't like being asked to do stuff cause I feel useless and incompetent, even if it's something really easy.

I'm just wierd like that...

I feel like there's definit-


Definitely more life stuff. 

Actually did some homework-homework today, which doesn't usually happen. 

Got a project due in a couple days, I got it, no biggie. 

I'm at least halfway through. 

And then there's the whole I'm-scared-to-commit-to-stuff thing with college...

But like, deadlines. 

So if I'm gonna go to college this fall I kinda have to commit to something sooner rather than later. 

Also, kinda random, but I feel like every time I need a phone charger, it magically goes missing. 

I got my gift cards from Amazon delivered to my email today, so yayyy:)

I want more funko pops honestly, but do I need them?

Wellllll, no. 

Also the solangelo book release date got moved up:DDDD

Too many fandoms, too little time...

I don't understand how some people just have normal interests? And don't devote all their daydreamy-energy to fanfiction plots that will probably never be written down...? 

lIkE, wHaTs aN OtP wHaTs a sHiP

definitely don't have wattpad, definitely haven't read fanfiction...



I do this thing sometimes where i get like really, idk, valley girl like? Where I make my voice all wierd and fake and say random crap like, "slay" and "bestie" and...idk. It's when I'm tired a lot that it comes out. Either that or I can get really, really snarky/sarcastic. 

It happened a lot at this camp thing I was at last week. It was only a couple days but it was pretty fun. Mostly. 

There was some drama and frustration, but I feel like I got closer to this one girl....person? Idk, pronouns and stuff are weird when most ppl refer to them as one thing but they've told you they're trans...

Pronouns, gender, sexuality-

I'd rather not think too hard about that, either, cause then I'll start like questioning everything and feeling all weird inside and depressy and end up like staring at the TV holding my iron man plushie while the newest bad batch episode is out but I can't focus on anything because i dont wanna exist with these feelings....

that happened in 2021. which feels both very long ago and not very long ago. 

i love just randomly remembering not so fun stuff. it's great. 

oh, also, i randomly saw my brother and his girlfriend when i was at lowe's with my dad?

which is weird cause i don't see him a lot. 

he lives at home still even though he's in college, but he's not really home much. 

anyway, it was really kinda funny and weird. 

I just stared at him from down the aisle--

well, actually, i had seen the two of them when i was coming back from the bathroom to look for my dad and was like, what are they doing here? of all places?

Answer: To look at tiles 

How very romantic. 

But his girlfriend said hi to me. Which was cool cause, from what I've seen and what I know, she can be super quiet. 

Not when she's around my brother though. 

I just thought it was kinda random. 

Siren's Lament just updated. At this point I think I ought to read it tomorrow cause it's getting late. 

It really felt good to type my thoughts out, though. 

I'll try to do it more often. 

But you know. Life. 

I could write a lot more, but I think I'm gonna just wrap it up for now. 

Thanks for reading, as always, now remember to like and subscribe to my channel-


Before I say more random, cringey stuff, I'm gonna stop. 


-the random galaxy person who actually had a pretty good day today (even though she? they? doesn't know that they're doing most of the time, lol)

I'm gonna write the date thing in the title. :)

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