~life changes~

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I haven't posted in a while. I've been really inactive on Wattpad for a few months now, honestly. Haven't been writing a lot in general. I've been decent at writing in my journal, though, but besides that, no. 

A lot of things are going to be changing in my life soon. I'll be moving out, for one. Which is kind of scary and a tiny bit exciting. Also, my birthday is coming up. I'm trying not to be so nervous about all those changes that I don't enjoy my birthday, you know? I don't know how well that's actually working, though. 

I finally met my roommate yesterday, though. I'll be seeing her again on Saturday, which is when we move in. Typing this and thinking about this is making me really nervous. But I just got an email from the RA (residential advisor, I think is what that stands for), and she was really welcoming and stuff so that made me feel a little better. I also joined the GroupMe for my floor...18, yay. Or not, idk. I just hope the elevators don't break down. 

I'm worried about a lot of things but I'm trying my best to be excited. And tommorrow I'm gonna be doing an escape room with some of my friends. That should be fun. 

Plus, my parents will be off work on my birthday. Which should be nice. 

I got this...or, at least, I'm hoping if I say that often enough it will somehow be true. 

I don't know when I'll post next. But I really should do better at working on my stories. It doesn't help that I have a ton of fanfic ideas right now too. 

Someone please remind me to do that soon, because I am *not* going to think about it. 

I think I'm going to draw a little bit right now. There's at least 4 or 5 ones I'm working on right now. At least 2 of them are fanart. I think I'll work on one of my OCs, though. Yeah. 

Alright, well, take care of yourselves, guys. Whoever is reading this, I mean. I'm not even sure who will...but yeah. 



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