~Update about life~

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I haven't been on a lot lately but dw I'm alive:)

I kinda miss sharing random thoughts on here. I may have said this at some point already but I just kinda needed a break from people updating stories and me feeling like i had some sort of obligation to read them and then care about problems of ppl I barely even knew if that makes any sense

I might try to write more this summer, though. If I do I may post here. Because I think I know at least a few of you will check out my stuff.

Anyway. Here is the what I wanted to say:

Me today:

*pauses reading Star Wars to watch Star Wars*

*pauses watching Star Wars to watch more Star Wars*

It's called...I was in the other room, I heard clone wars music and freaking ran.

I love that show but man I don't know why it's considered a kids show. Maybe cause it's animated? But yeah like it gets pretty intense.

And then my brother wanted to watch this new disney+ show Young Jedi Adventures. The animation style is actually really cute. And it seems wayy more like a kids show than clone wars ever was, for better or worse, idk.

After that my brother was told he could watch one of the movies. It's funny, he's seen a lot of the animated shows and knows a lot about Star wars but hadn't seen any of the actual movies until today.

We watched the Phantom Menace, and it was great because he already knew who the trade federation people were from Clone Wars. And ofc he knew maul cause he doesn't rlly die I was very proud.

I told myself I would try not to let Star wars infect my brain even more but I think I failed.

I didn't even work on my Ahsoka drawing today which is probably honestly for the best because I don't need to obsess even more about it.

I'm wierd about obsessing over things. I say I don't like something or that it's overrated and then I end up liking it.

But I think I might just be hesitant towards things that are "popular"

Anyway. Lotta changes coming up soon. I think I might be nearing the character limit for here. I'm walking around a whole bunch ad I type this because I'm trying to get a few steps in before midnight. It's like 11 btw. Got a couple webtoons to catch up on. Will try to doodle some.

And I did try to practice piano for the first time in a while yesterday. I'm not very good, never was really but it felt good. Maybe I'll pull out that flute of mine sometime before i totally forget how to play. I think that's it for now. Bye!

Ha. I was right. It was too long for the message board.

Drifting ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon