~This is actually therapuetic~

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oh yeah. i forgot about this. i'm so bad at updating my stories. this one will probably never see the light of day so it doesn't matter. but even though I'm not writing on here as much, I'm trying to still write. 

i have too many ideas, though, that's part of the problem. the other part is motivation. I'm just...tired, so much of the time. 

but it's fine. 

okay. cool. time to go see whatever other random drafts i have floating around. 

i need there to be a machine that just takes your ideas and makes a really cool story without you having to do anything. 

oh well. 

it's weird though, cause i can imagine stuff in my head really well, but i can't write it down as well. 

my sister just gave me a shortbread cookie thing. cool. 

also, I'm hungry (even though dinner wasn't that long ago, it was kinda small...)

um...almost Christmas and stuff. Life keeps going on. It always does, and I'm not ready. 

Every. Single. Time. 

Oh, um. Today at school some random guy walked by me in the hallway and asked, "Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" 

At least I'm pretty sure he was talking to me. 

I didn't know the guy anyway, and I had to get on the bus for my Career Center class, so I just kinda kept walking. 

This is not the first time things like that have happened. But whatever; I'm pretty sure I'm at least demiromantic or something. I have a hard time figuring out romantic/platonic attraction and stuff too. 

Honestly, I can't be sure if I've ever actually had a crush on anyone. 

And it doesn't help that my parents are always casually like, "when you get married and have kids..." 

Anyway, there's a lot of reasons for the things I think and feel but I don't wanna go into them in too much detail. 

Time to jump to another story, or something. 

This concludes my slightly therapeutic 2nd entry in this journal/story thing. 

If you're reading this, you're either future me, or someone on wattpad. And that means I actually posted it. 

So that's interesting. 

Did I mention I was hungry?

Also there's some kind of relaxing lo-fi/chill something that came on shuffle and idk what it is, but it's kinda nice. 



P.S. don't ask why i always do the titles ~like this~, I'm honestly not sure when that started or why, but I've kept it up with all my stories. 

Written December 5th, 2022

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