~March 28th, 2023~

5 1 10

In the past few days, when I'm not actively thinking one thing, my mind immediately starts going back to the ole "what college should I go to" debate.

There's been some new developments there, actually. One school is offering me a scholarship for $4,000. So that with my in-state scholarship would cover tuition. And I wouldn't have to pay for housing because I live close enough there to stay at home.

I don't know if that's what I want to do, though...

So yeah. I've got that going on.

Also, I went back to school today. I'd been sick for the past couple days. And ugh, my head hurts.

I had a quiz/test/thing for Government. I got a 79, which isn't that good, but my grade is overall still a 95. I'm not gonna stress about that.

I have the most work though for APES. But it's fine, it's not like I do too much for my classes.

I do have a project for AP Lit, but I have a while before it's due.

Same with government, actually.

Oh yeah. So this morning my sister was like, "So if you're bisexual, you've had a crush on someone whose not a girl..."

And I mean...maybe? Yes?

It's complicated and....I don't know.

Also we are going to ignore the old ~gender dysphoria~ that likes to sneak into my life sometimes.


And of course, like 3 days later, it's like, LOL, cramp-y time!

....thanks, body. Thanks so much.

I'm working tonight. I hope I get my paycheck cause I wasn't able to make it to my shift on Monday (when I was supposed to get paid).

But for now I gotta go to my last class. No idea if we're going to do stuff. I'm thinking probably not.

So I guess I'll pull out my drawing from the other day.

I've been bad about doing that consistently lol.

Anyway. I'm tired. This room smells funky.

Bell's gonna ring soon.

Guess that's it for now.



(Since I'm going to write the dates as the titles, I don't think u need to write it down here)

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