~school and life~

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It's been a few days, but here I am. But where to start? Oh. I know.

Okay, so...I checked my grades today because it had been a while since I had done that. I'm doing great in all my classes, but-

Here's the thing.

In my Digital Art and Design class, my teacher apparently posted an assignment on Microsoft Teams. Which is fine and all, I suppose, except for the fact that a) None of my teachers use it anymore b) I deleted the mobile app from my phone and c) because of both a and b I didn't think to check it.

Because why would I?

Literally I have barely touched that app since I did virtual classes.


He wanted us to send him an email letting him know we saw the assignment. Which is fine, except...

No one probably even thought to check Teams. So only 2 people sent the email.

And it was supposed to be sent by a certain day.

He put a 0 in, which I'm really annoyed about.

Trying not to think about it too much though. These days I can barely even care about school.

No point in thinking about it more than I have to.

Oh, guess what? I actually wrote a little bit in a story today.

And was semi-productive in first period. When I had extra time later though, I played powerline.io.

I know, I could have been working on the paper for Government or reading or drawing, but I didn't.

And it's okay.

I had a poem idea earlier. Might try and write it down. If I do, I'll post it.

Ugh. As I was writing this, I got an email from the school. They want me to join National Technical Honor Society.

I've been invited to join National Honor Society too, but I feel like they just want your money.

Um, let's see. What else?

Oh yeah, I was thinking about something earlier. I do that a lot.

Anyway: Draco spends a LOT of time and a LOT of effort trying to a) annoy Harry or b) get Harry to notice him.

There was this one time they were playing Quidditch and Draco really just grabbed Harry's broom midair and was like half climbing on it.

In. Midair.


4 day weekend soon. Yay. I guess. Not sure how it will actually go.

Gonna try to ignore the fact though that some of my thoughts have been...not the best lately.


I'm trying to stay positive though.


I think that's it for now.

Thanks for reading, bye!


Written February 15th, 2023.

Oh yeah. I thought of something else. On the 20th I find out whether or not I was accepted to a college.

And unlock something in finch :D. Also trying to save my rainbow stones too for more of the plushies.

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