~March 27th, 2023~

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First of all, how is it almost April? Time is going by really fast, and I honestly don't know how I feel about it. 

Well, I guess I kind of do. It's slightly scary to think about. But I did talk to my parents last night about some future stuff, and that helped some. 

Right now I'm sick, sort of. I was running a fever last night and my throat and ear hurts. So I stayed home from school. I know I should definitely get stuff done for AP Environmental Science. I think I need to take notes for that and do a quiz and a reading. 

Not really sure about the rest of my classes. 

I'm not going to lie, yesterday I was in a weird mood for a lot of the day. Which may have something to do with the feeling sick thing, but I honestly can't be sure. 

So far today I have at least...gotten dressed, eaten breakfast, and made my bed. 

I did a little more than that, too, I guess. 

I also read some webtoons. 

Because, you know, priorities. 

After I finish writing this, I'll work on the school stuff I know for sure needs to get done. Maybe look at some scholarships, see if I can apply to some more. Because, apparently, college is expensive. Even with the scholarships I'm being offered right now. 

Less so if I stay close to home, but I'm not sure that's the best thing for me. 

Guess that's all I have to say for now. 



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