~work, annoying stuff, etc.~

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I spilled some pickled jalapeño juice on me at work today. It was great...

2 things that have been annoying me about work:

-they have barely been scheduling me. Like, before I at least had 3 days a week where I was working. This week it's 2. And next week it's meant to be 2 but there's something going on that I forgot to ask off for so hopefully I can get someone to cover it...

Ehhhh *stress*

Oh also they never taught me how to do certain things but then are surprised when I don't know how to do them?

I've been frustrated by a lot of things lately. But it feels like most of the time, I can't really do anything about it.

I had some poetry ideas earlier.

Might see what I can come up with.

Life, man. It just never stops, does it?

Anyway, that's all I got right now. Bye.


Sorry I'm back. I thought of something else: I really hate it when people are selective about how they treat people. Like, something is okay for someone else to do but when you do it it suddenly isn't?


I have lots of examples of this but I should go to bed soon.

But first. Poetry, eh?

Ahhh, poetry.

Lol Sokka who?

Note to self: read more A: TLA comics.

Also Star Wars. But there's waaayy less A: TLA than SW, so it's definitely less daunting. Course, I have The Search and...Imbalance, I think.

I've read some of the others but don't have a physical copy.


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