vii. red hoodie

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It was finally the weekend. She had no football games or practice Saturday night and she bargained with her father to even go.

There were no missions and no training late at night, meaning she was completely free to go to Barabra's movie night with Dick.

It turns out, Barabra needed some girl talk, so she invited Dick. Dick was a squirrely boy in Rowan's opinion. Sure, she liked him, but he looked like a completely rich asshole with his gelled-back hairdo and his Gotham Academy uniform with zero wrinkles.

Rowan's body ached slightly from the mission two days ago, but she's been through worse. Her father played with a knife while reading the newspaper at the kitchen table. The girl grabbed water without drugs and walked toward the door with her sleeping bag over her shoulder.

"Don't get too civilized with this new team, Rowan." She looked back to meet her father's eye, "Y'know you'll have to leave."

Rowan nodded with a glare, "No attachments, understood." Her father just let out a grunt in response and went back to his reading.

As soon as Rowan closed the door behind her, she felt like she could finally breathe. Warm air filled her nostrils, but she had to wear long sleeves to hide some of the harsher bruises. She could blame them on football, but some were too far purple to actually say it wasn't a weight being thrown at her.

When Rowan finally arrived at the Gordons, she placed a fake smile on her face. The door opened and Barbra immediately hugged the girl, Rowan struggling to not groan in pain from her bruised rib.

"Row!" She pulled her inside, "Dick is already in my room, I'll be up there in a second."

Rowan walked up the stairs and into the bedroom of Barbra Gordon. It had purple walls, probably from when she was a child, and there was a picture wall on her left. The bed was against the wall, straight ahead and she had a chair in the corner.

The girl met eyes with Dick who was casually laying on the bed. Rowan dropped her stuff off in an empty space by the right wall and she went to sit on the chair in the corner.

The red hoodie.

Dick was wearing the red hoodie.

The exact one that Robin was wearing. Holy shit. Robin was Dick motherfuckin' Grayson.

But, she couldn't be too sure. She had to gather more evidence than just assuming, then blowing her cover as well.

Dick had the same hair, though. She could tell now since it wasn't slicked back and his smile was the same as well. She just has to hear his laugh-

"Why are you looking at me?"

Rowan leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms, "Trying to see what kind of person you are."

Dick chuckled. That's it, that's Robin's laugh. Oh, my fucking Gods. She cracked the code within being in his presence for less than five minutes. This must be a world record.

"Rowan, I've known you for five years," Dick said in an obvious tone.

The said girl rolled her eyes, "Don't get smart with me, Clayface." She could tell that he tensed but quickly regained his composure. Rowan wanted to watch the boy squirm.

"Hey!" Robin threw a pillow at her, his aim perfect. If this wasn't Robin, then he had to be his evil twin or something. Rogue knew it was time to check his side for injuries.

Rogue quickly jumped on the bed, her hand 'accidentally' coming in contact with his left side. She watched his face grimace and the girl couldn't help but smile.

Damn, she's brilliant.

Dick quickly pushed her off the bed, provoking her to grunt from the force. She swiftly stood up, "Oh, you're getting it." The boy just laughed as she grabbed his arm and pulled him off the bed, "Poetic justice."

She watched him get uneasy rather quickly, making her smirk. Then her smirk was wiped off her face when Dick stood up with a grin.


Rowan scrunched up her eyebrows, "Who?"

Dick let out a cackle, "I'll admit, you got me good."

Rowan sighed and shook her head at the boy, "Fuck you for ruining my fun, boy blunder."

"The poetic justice part gave you away," He paused, "All the bruises weren't from football, they were from fighting bad guys. And, making varsity as a freshman?" He shook his head, "Should've seen it earlier."

Rowan mocked a laugh, "Oh, and your annoying laugh and scrawny body, should've seen it earlier."

"Oh, yea?" Robin got in a fighting stance with a smirk.

Rowan did the same with a laugh, "Yea, Boy Wonder. Let's see what you got."

Dick grabbed a pillow and started smacking her with it, but Rowan grabbed it, hitting him right back. The two did this back and forth for a while, right until a voice sounded, making them look at her in horror.


Throughout the night, both made comments toward each other, seeing who'll break first. Let's give an example, 'Yea, football's pretty easy.' Then Dick would say, 'Yea, how'd you take down that three hundred pound dude?'

But, that night was all fun and games. The three laughed and played board games, just ultimately getting to know one another. Everything was A-okay until the two had to be alone when Barbra went to the bathroom.

The two heroes sat on the floor, a game of monopoly in between them. Rowan looked at Dick, who was already observing her.

Rowan leaned back on an arm, "Y'know what I realized?"


"If you're who you are, who's the big guy in charge?" She watched how nothing gave him away, probably already expecting the question. Rowan has an idea. Three words; Billionaire, hot, rich.

Those are the three attributes someone needs to get Rowan's attention. And she promises, Bruce Wayne already has had her attention for a long time.

Dick shrugged, "That's for me to know and for you too, dot, dot, dot."

"Vampire diaries? Really?"

"What?" Dick looked personally offended, "It's drama is to quite literally, die for."

"You make me wanna die."

The boy leaned forward, "Wanna test out that theory, Clayface?"

Rowan's mouth dropped as she sat up, "Oh, you're gettin' it, bitchface."


Once again, they looked at Barbra Gordon with horror.

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