lvii. the perfect life

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WARNING: Blood, gore, and most importantly, dead children.

"Honey, wake up."

 Rowan's eyes shot open.

Framed pictures, cream walls, wooden doors, bedside table, lamp, Robin.

Dick's face lay above her, his smile shining down on her. But, without question, she repeated the action back to him.

"What time is it?" Rowan groaned as she buried herself deeper into the blanket. 

Dick snuggled his face into the side of her neck, placing small kisses, "Seven."

The woman turned her head, causing him to leave the comfortable spot, "Are the boys up?"


Rowan giggled as he kissed her. His arms found their way around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She jokingly lent away, "It's seven in the morning, Dick."

"And?" Rowan laughed once more as he flipped them.

The couple stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. Rowan stood in front of the stove making scrambled eggs as Dick made coffee and poured apple juice into two cups.

Two pair of footsteps ran down the stairs, sounding like a stampede of elephants. A smile found its way on Rowan's face as she heard their voices.

"Mom! Jason took my toy again!" A boy's voice rang out in the quiet kitchen.

Rowan turned around and looked at the little brunette boy who had blue eyes like Dick, "Jay, give Jasper his toy."

Jason rolled his eyes and gave his twin the toy truck, "Don't be a snitch, Jazz." All the boy did in response was stick out his tongue. 

Suddenly, the scene jumped to the family in the park. The couple sat on a picnic blanket, quietly talking about where the Fourth of July party was going to be held that year, while the two boys played on the playground equipment.

"My dad says he can host it," Rowan said, "It's just he's been so lonely after Mom passed."

Dick grabbed her hand and squeezed, "We can do that, or we can have it at Bruce's and invite your father."

"And, Kennedy."

The man nodded, "And, Kennedy." He paused for a few moments, "What's going on with her and Lori?"

Rown huffed and shook her head, watching her two boys play, "Well, Lori's fun and all, but he ignores everything and assumes it goes away." She felt his gaze on the side of her cheek and the girl rolled her eyes, "I do not do that!"

"You do it all the time, sweetheart." Dick's alluring voice caused her to turn to face him, making her sigh.

"Okay, and? It's not like it affects me to the point where I have to quite literally run from the cops!"

Dick nodded, agreeing with his wife, "Well, maybe, Lori didn't have the same upbringing as you. With the whole super parents and sister who treated you right."

Rowan laughed at his words, "My dad's the real super parent, not my mom. She had a stick up her ass—"

"She also died of cancer, so let's not insult a dead woman who could haunt us."

"I still can't believe you think ghosts exist."

"They do!"

Rowan gave him a side eye, "Uhuh."

Before any of them could argue any further, a yellow gas filled the park. The two parents immediately jumped up and ran toward their two boys.

"Jason! Jasper!" They yelled, trying to find them through the fog. Rowan turned around to face her husband, "Look outside this and try to see if they ran out!" All he did was nod and ran away.

Rowan kept trying to see her twins as she ran around the playground equipment. Once she finally saw two figures, a large smile took over her face. The woman ran toward them, but as she got closer, she realized they weren't her two boys.

These two boys had warts and gashes along their skin. Their faces looked as if it was melting off. Rowan's heart raced as they ran toward her. So, without hesitation, she slammed one to the ground, punching it till it looked dead. Blood splattered across her skin as she grabbed the other one, hitting its face on the equipment until the thing lay limp on the ground.

Blood and brain matter covered her skin as she looked down at the two figures, but it didn't matter to her. She needed to find her two boys.

As she kept running around, trying to locate them, the fog began to clear up. Her vision came back to her and she looked around. Parents were crying next to dead children and people wailed out.

Rowan circled once more but saw something that shook her to her core. 

Her two boys lay dead on the floor. 

The woman ran to them, falling to her knees. Her hands went to cover her mouth, but that's when she noticed the blood staining her fingers. Did she do this? Did she kill her two boys?

Sobs racked through her body as she tried waking them. She shook them, pleading with whoever was listening to bring them back. 

"Jazz! Please, please wake up. I-I-" She couldn't finish as she heard her name being said in front of her.

"Rowan?" The said woman looked up to meet eyes with blue. But, not the loving blue she grew accustomed to. No, it was hateful and filled with fear, "You killed them! You killed my sons!"

The brunette shook her head as she sobbed, "I'm-I'm sorry. I-I don't remember—"

"You don't remember? You don't remember!" He stalked closer to her, almost like a predator closing in on its prey, "I'll make you remember."

Rowan gasped as she woke up. Her head spun in the dark room where she lay. Her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour as her feet padded across the tile. She just needed water to clear her head.

The dream wasn't just a dream. It was a torture method by the gods, mainly Nemesis as he thought of how to do it back on Olympus. He said, 'If you give someone something that they desire, then take it away in the most heartbreaking way. It will break them more than physical torture ever could.' And, he was right.

Rowan walked into the kitchen, switching on the lights, but to her surprise, she found Dick there. He was leaning against the counter, drinking something out of a glass. His eyes snapped to hers and to her surprise, it was the same loving blue.

The girl released a breath she didn't know she was holding, causing Dick to furrow his eyebrows, "What's up with you?"

Rowan cleared her throat and shook her head, "Nothing." She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle, "How are you feelin' about all this god shit?"

"Just peachy," The two laughed. Rowan started to walk off to her bedroom, but his voice caused her to stop, "Wanna watch a movie?"

The girl turned around and nodded, "With my favorite bird, why not?"

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