lix. one last night

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Rowan walked into the living room of the cave where everyone was. They had just cleaned up after training and it seemed everyone was wiped out.

"What are we watching?" Rowan asked as she sat down in between Wally and Conner. She quickly grabbed popcorn out of the redhead's bowl, causing him to whine.

M'gann spoke up, "The Hangover."

Artemis chuckled to herself, "With the hottest man ever, Bradley Cooper."

"Hey!" Wally groaned, but all his girlfriend did was pat him on the head with a smirk.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. Rowan grabbed the remote and hit pause on the tv, causing outcries to fill the room.

"Hey, hey, settle down," She gave everyone a smirk, "Why not have a little hangover for ourselves?"

Conner shook his head, "Row, the gods are coming in less than a week. Everybody just wants to sleep while we wait for our impending deaths."

"Oh, shut it, Con." She noticed some heads still watching her, "We can go to a bar and just drink the night away." Rowan locked eyes with Dick, but for some reason, he looked away. She could tell that he had been ignoring her for a little, but she had no idea why. "One last night."

There was a pause in everyone's movements, causing Rowan's breath to stop. But, then a series of agreements spread over the room, making her smile.

The members of the first Young Justice League stood in front of the bar. Thor had begged to come, but Rowan told him once he reached the same height as her, he could.

Rogue gave them each a smile, "One last night."

The rest of them nodded and repeated, "One last night."

Rowan clinked a shot glass with Artemis and then downed it. They had been there for at least two hours, but everyone was out of it. M'gann was dancing in the crowd, while Conner watched. According to him, Conner had broken up with her, but not because of the assumed cheating. But, she was messing up with the bad guy's heads, just like what happened to him back in Cadmus.

Artemis grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor. They danced until their feet nearly gave out from a mixture of alcohol and exhaustion. Rowan made her way over to Conner with a sly smile on her face, "So, Con?"

He grunted, "So, Row?"

"Why aren't you drinking?" She slurred, "Tonight has to be the best night ever."

Conner shook his head, "I can't get drunk."

Her jaw dropped, "You're fuckin' with me."

"Nope," He looked down, "I'd rather be at the cave with everyone than here."

Rowan clenched her jaw in anger. But, not in anger at him, but at herself. Why did she only think about herself sometimes?

"I'm sorry, Con." She nudged him slightly, "We can go back now—"


"Why not? You want to—"

Conner shook his head, "It's fine, Row. Go have fun."


The boy huffed, "You can be a child sometimes, y'know that?"

The girl giggled as she leaned on him, "Says you."


The best friends stayed like that for a while, just people-watching. They spoke sometimes, but only to ask if the other was okay or to make fun of somebody's dance moves. That's when their eyes caught Artemis and Wally making out against one of the back walls.

ROGUE| DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now