Chapter 39

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Please...... don't leave....- He said almost whispering.

I stood up and went towards the door...... You know..... that's not possible....- were my last words before I left.

Time Skip
I was infront of the mansion......again......the place where I never imagined that I would be standing again.
With tears dropping from my eyes I took small steps inside the house while the sounds of belt handcuffs and all other voices from my memories started ringing in my ears difficult for me to move inside but the sweet giggling of Jinho's child and her smile keep flashing infront of my eyes which compelled me to keep moving forward.

I am here! Come out Jeonguk! - I shouted. Aww look baby your aunt is here for you!- Jeonguk said from the first floor playing with her while she looked peaceful in his hands but she doesn't know who she is with.

I am glad you are back my Y/N, come upstairs let's have food - He said giving me his signature psychotic smile which made my body and mind numb but I still walk toward him.

It was again....our so called.... bedroom, where all the torture happened with me. The baby was lying on the bed looking at me with her beautiful eyes. I smiled as I remembered that her eyes matched with Jinho and lips with Miko.

Please sit Y/N - he said pointing next to him. With slow and small steps I went and sat next to him. Here is some water Y/N, I specially told the servant to bring warm water for you - He said hot water with vapours coming out of it in the warm month of July. not thirsty - I said giving him a small fake smile. Oh....I see- He said and dropped the hot water on my hand. Oops! My mistake - He said while seeing me cry in pain. Because of my painful screams Jinho's daughter started to cry.

Make this little shit stop crying otherwise I'll make her go silent for all her life.....and you know I can do it...right?- He asked laughing while I ran in the washroom with her by making her stop crying with one hand and the other one was in cold water to stop feeling the burning sensation and my tears never stopped.

Be ready for tonight Y/N...... we'll do what we always used to do wait for me love- He said winking and left the room......

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