Chapter 22

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Then he kissed me.

It was my first kiss, and gods, he was a good kisser.

His lips tasted like sea salt.

I moved my lips along with his, naturally copying the movement of his lips.

It was soft at first, then it started getting deeper.

He held his hands around my waist, making my heart race and butterflies flutter in my stomach. Was it just me, or did I feel his heart going a million miles per hour too?

I ran my fingers through his hair.

He let out a... was that a moan?

It strangely made me want to kiss him more, even though I was slowly running out of breath.

It felt amazing. An asteroid could've hit the planet, and I would not have cared.

Then of course we just had to be interrupted.

"Peter Johnson! Annabelle Claude!

We tore away from each other, but reluctantly.

It was a good thing though. The man standing before us was the principle, Mr.D.

He was short and had a potbelly, but there was still an aura of power around him that made me want to cower in fear.

He wore a loud leopard print shirt, and had purple fire burning in his eyes.

"What are you two unauthorized students doing out here!"

I couldn't tell whether that was a question or a scolding.

Then Percy stepped in.

"Uh... well we... just wanted to get some fresh air... and then we got a little bit carried away."

Mr.D's nostrils flared, and he looked even madder. I thought I should step in before he exploded into angry, purple, potbelly bits.

"Sir, Mr.D, I am very sorry for the inconvenience. Like Percy said, we just wanted to get some fresh air, away from the people inside of the ballroom. We didn't know if we were allowed to use the balcony, but assumed we could. I am sorry for that, I should've asked an authoritative figure before venturing out. Then the rest-"


Was he dramatic or what?

"Although your excuses sounded rather logical Annabelle, I still will not allow any goofing off! This dance is held mainly for you students, and you took advantage of it. You will get a punishment."

I internally groaned, while Percy did out loud.

"Be quiet Johnson! Now, your punishment is to clean up every bathroom on this campus for a week. That includes everything! There will be no exceptions. AM I CLEAR?"

"Yes sir."


Actually... I was a woman. And plus, this wasn't some military school.



We turned and exited.

"Whew that was close."

I turned and glared at him.

"Um, not really. Don't you recall the part where you almost got us in worse trouble?"

He grinned at me, cheekily.

"Then you stepped in and
saved me, my knight in shining armor."

"Actually, that's not a bad name... it could use some adjusting though- hey! Stop getting me off topic."

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