Chapter 39

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Leo's POV

"Calypso?" I whispered, hardly believing what was before my eyes.

I had searched... I had searched for months for her.

I looked for her online, but there was no trace of her name.

I looked for her everywhere I had went, and any girl with swinging caramel hair I ran after, only to find a different person.

I even had gone to the park for days after that fateful rainy day, looking for any sign of, any flicker of hope of her.

Jason and Piper sensed something was wrong, and had asked me what was the matter.

I had told them not to worry about it, I was looking for nothing.

They dropped it, but they still knew something was wrong.

Sometimes I even wondered what I was looking for.

A ghost?

A hallucination?

Had I really seen her?

At that point, I slapped myself.

I knew she was real. I just couldn't find her.

That's why I thought I was seeing a ghost before my eyes.

I reached out my hand, to touch her, to make sure I wasn't dreaming, then lowered it.

Her almond eyes were widened in shock, and there was a sea of pain in them.

Then I was torn back to reality.

She was actually here, standing in front of me. And we were in an arena with... well swords. And there were dozens of teenagers with knives and swords on them waiting for us to fight.

It was... overwhelming.

The lights were too bright. The cheers to loud, they hurt my ears.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Her expression was so sad, and at the same time fierce.

She suddenly charged me, and on instinct I raised up my sword to block her.

She kept attacking, and I blocked, not wanting to go on offense, not wanting to hurt her.

She was a fierce and amazing fighter, like a whirlwind.

She charged at me and I ducked, her blade barely missing my hair.

"Calypso! Can we please talk about... that time? I- I can't believe I'm seeing you."

She just shook her head, and I could see tears there.

"Calypso!" I yelled.

She ignored my pleas.

Pleas for what, I don't know. For her to listen? For us to not be in this situation when we reunited?

I had imagined our meeting again a thousand times, and it had never went like this.

I would approach her, and we would talk it out, and I would tell jokes to make her laugh.

Preferably on a bright sunny bench in Central Park.

I blocked and she attacked, it was a continuous pattern, making our blades clang when they hit.

We were both getting tired, our blows slowing down.

I knew it had to end soon.

So with a final push, I blocked her blow and pushed the blade forward, pushing her off balance.
She tried stabbing me as a final effort, but I blocked it with a slash.

Then I put the point of the sword to her chest.

She looked at me with bewildered, big eyes. She was still crying.

It made my heart writhe in pain.

I saw blood suddenly flow down her cheek.

My heart was split in two.

I never had wanted to hurt her.

I fell down on my knees, and dropped my sword.

"Calypso... I'm so sorry." I sobbed.

She looked up at me with fear, and she ran out the door.

I watched her go.

She didn't want me anyways.

No... I couldn't lose her again.

So I got up, and ran after her.

More drama😉
Happy Halloween guys!

Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out.

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