Chapter 5

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"Mia!" he cried out searching frantically in the water for any sign of his lost wife. Scanning the dark water for any sign of her. What seemed like forever she finally surfaced, gasping for air. Louis didn't hesitate, he dove in the water after her. He swam through the rough waves closing in on her.

"Louis! Where are you?!" Mia yelled out

"Here Mia", he says as he grabs her waist pulling her in tightly.

As she turned to face him trying to keep afloat another wave crashed over them, separating them once again. "Louis!" Mia cries out as she surfaces, looking all around for her husband. Her eyes stung from all the saltwater. "Louis please where are you!" she yelled again but no one responded. She dove under the water to see if she could see him, but the water was too dark. As she resurfaced again, tears began to leave her eyes for the worst possible thought crept into her mind. Her husband, her love was lost to her, and she couldn't bring him back. Mia began to break down but forced herself back together, she needed to make it to land to get help, there still could be a chance she kept thinking as she began to swim.

As she swam, she kept her tears and thoughts at bay. Her mission to get to land was all she could think of. With all the strength she had left she pushed and pushed to keep herself swimming. As she did, her attention was obstructed when she caught something floating in the water just to the right of her. Her eyes grew wide when she got closer and realized it was Louis, just floating in the storm and not moving.

"Louis!" she cried as she grabbed hold of him. His eyes were closed, and he had a gash on his head where blood was escaping. Mia held onto him and dragged him the little distance to shore. Once she was on the sand bank she dragged Louis to shore, examining him. He was breathing but he wasn't waking up.

"Louis?" She said shaking him tears threatening to escape her eyes again. "Louis wake up, I'm here my love please." She began to cry for he would still not wake up. Mia banged on his chest through tears. "Louis don't you dare leave me please wake up!" she yelled at him once more. Looking at her husband she collapsed on his chest crying out to him in the storm. She couldn't feel him and he was right next to her.

Mia started to heave heavy sobs when she felt a light hand on the back of her head. Eyes shooting open she leapt up and looked at Louis, who was beginning to wake.

"Louis?" she said softly

"Mm..Mia?" he groaned.

"Oh thank God" she said through her tears, burying her arms in the sand in order to wrap them around his neck. Louis now sitting up holding her in his arms tightly, he thought to himself he was never letting her go. The heavens could come crashing down and he would never let go of his grip on her. They stayed like that for a while holding each other in the light rain as the storms began to pass.

Mia was still crying in his chest, she looked up at him and kissed him, deeply, he kissed her back pulling her closer to him. "I thought I lost you, I really thought I lost you Mia" Louis says in her ear. "I thought I lost you." Mia replies. Looking up at him, she completely forgot about the wound on his head which is still very much bleeding. "I need to stitch that up." she says as she reaches to touch the wound. Louis winced in pain. As they both readied themselves to walk back to their home which should be easier now since the storm along with the rain was moving away from the island. They stop. Mia looks at Louis who was already looking at her with shock and concern across his face. They turned around, to the ocean they had just survived and could hear a baby crying, and it's coming from the water.

The clouds opened up to reveal the moon. The moon was full and was shining brighter than usual. It shined its light on the dark water like a searchlight looking for something lost, to reveal what looked like a basket, just floating there and small cries of a baby could be heard coming from it.

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