Chapter 33

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I am on the beach in the middle of the night, at least it looks like night. The sky is dark with even darker clouds hiding the stars. I see Balam run into the trees and i run after him. I am running through thick trees and bushes for what seems like forever until I come upon a clearing. The same clearing where I met Ixchel before she took me to the waterfall.

As I look around I don't see Balam, but in the distance I do see a figure in the distance; facing away from me.

"Hello?" I yell out, but no response.

Slowly I walk toward the figure and as I get closer i realize its a girl with long brown hair. She's wearing a red tattered dress and her arms..her arms are almost a solid black as it stops on her shoulders and goes off into a swirling design. I notice her head is pointed down and I move around her and to my horror there is a body in front of her. With blue skin and long braided black hair. My heart goes still. I make my way to the body and kneel next to it and flip her slowly toward me to see who it is.

The air in my lungs are sucked out and I am left with the weight of an anchor as I realize who it is.


She lies there, her eyes open to the sky and she isnt breathing. Her weapon just a few feet from her lying next to her, with what looks like fresh blood on it. I look over her and see the huge stab wound in her chest as her blood flows out of it.

"Namora?" I choke out. "Oh God no please." I almost sob until i hear a voice behind me that stills me heart.

"No Gods." The voice says.

I turn from Namora slowly and look up to see that the girl in the tattered red dress; is me.

My eyes are a solid black and my mark on my arm is a burning red while black webs form around it crawling over my skin.

" this isn't happening." I say to myself.

My other self just grins at me and then bears a sadistic smile showing all our teeth. Her hands curl into fists as she moves out of my view and before me in the field that was just empty; now littered in bodies. Bodies of the people of Talokan.

I see the faces of every single person. There faces still and horrified from the last thing they've seen before they died. I cry out and fall to my knees when my eyes catch on Attuma holding Zyanna as if he was trying to block her but failed. I see all the children I met yesterday, the girls braids still in there hair and Eloy holding onto his wooden staff Namor made for him.


I stand up and go through the field of bodies searching for him, hoping to any God I don't find him here. But, the Gods aren't that generous to me. Not here.

I feel him before I see him. To my right just a few yards from where I am standing there he was, lying on his side, no movement coming from him.

"No!" I cry out as I run to him. I fall to the ground and my hands are turning him toward me. His eyes are closed and he has a huge wound over his heart. I cup his face as my tears fall on his cold skin.

"No no no Namor please." I kiss him thinking that will reverse whatever nightmare this is but nothing happens. "No! Please! Not you too." I sob as I hold him closer to me. I hear a sadistic laugh coming from behind me, rage instantly taking over.

I turn around and face myself. "How could you do this?!" I yell at my self.

My dark version continues to laugh as she says in a voice that isn't my own. "You mean what did we do?"

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