Chapter 20

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Dawn had just broken when Namor and Moselle stepped on the island of his home. They had swum through the whole night to get here before a new day started. Moselle could feel exhaustion creeping on her, she wasn't sure when the last time she actually got some rest. From the events from the day before with Camazotz attacking them and Namor falling ill; she didn't rest, nor when Andres showed up and dumping all the information of what she is on her didn't rest. So, in her head she probably guessed she's going on 20 hours of no sleep, and her body was beginning to feel it.

She closely followed Namor through the jungle to the entrance to the cave where she first woke. It was still pretty dark, and she didn't want to get lost in the trees. Once they made it to the entrance Namor dove in first and she followed. Coming up on the other side, the cold cave welcomed them with the blue glow on the ceilings. Moselle continued to follow Namor into the cave until they came up on the small bed. There was already a change of clothes on the bed for her along with a hot kettle.

"Rest here until I come for you." Namor said.

She turned to him quickly wondering where he was going off to in such a hurry. Shouldn't he rest too?

"Where are you going? If, I may ask."

Chuckling to himself at her question he answered with a smile. "I must address my people about-" he hesitated for a moment. "Your situation."

She looked down and nodded. Her nerves setting in. It's one thing to convince Namor to bring her back, but convincing his whole kingdom might be a different story. She was beginning to wish Andres was here with her. Her thoughts are interrupted by Namor speaking.

"If you need anything in the meantime, one of my servants will be by to help you."

"But how am I supposed to communicate with them?" she asked. "I don't speak your language."

Namor looked at her for a moment before moving to the small table where the hot kettle sat. He picked up a small cloth and unwrapped it, revealing a black beaded bracelet. Namor looked down at Shuri's chakla beads she left behind, almost hesistating to touch them. He turned to her holding his hand out to her, motioning for her to give him her wrist. She obliged. Once he put the bracelet on her it glowed purple, startling Moselle for a second.

"Bejla'e' je'el a t'aani' teech yéetel je'el máaxake' u in máak." (Now you can communicate with any of my people.) The bracelet translated. Moselle smiled in amusement as she inspected the bracelet. She spoke a few words into it, listening to it translate into Mayan words.

"That's amazing." She said with a smile. Feeling a little more at ease.

"Good." Namor said watching her as she played with the bracelet. "Now, please in the meantime rest up." He said as he made his way to one of the pools. Moselle watched him as he walked in the going under the water, disappearing from her sight. Now she was alone.

She stepped towards the small bed taking a seat, making herself a cup of tea. She could feel her body grow heavy with exhaustion and she began to relax. Moselle went through her bag hoping there was something in there Andres packed that would be more comfortable to sleep in than her bathing suit. As she searched in the small bag, Moselle pulled out a small frame. Turning it over to see her parents, Andres and herself in front of her moms café all smiling for the picture. She stared at it for a while before setting it next to her on the small table. After looking through the small bag, she managed to just a black shirt belonging to her father and one of her mothers sundresses.

"Couldn't of packed any sweats, Andres?" She said to herself annoyed. She was too tired to care, she settled for the dress and changed quickly. The dress was a little small for her, it must have been one of the ones her father got her when she was sick. She smoothed the fabric down with her hands, getting a hint of her mothers scent coming from it. Moselle closed her eyes trying to remember her smile and the sound of her laugh. What she would give to talk to her about everything that's happened. To speak to either of her parents.

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