Chapter 9

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                                              The translations will be in paranthesis ()


Camazotz weakly flew his way back to the deep jungles of Amazonas where his masters temple lay hidden deep in the mountains. As he approached he dropped down just feet away from the steep stone steps that led to the top of the entrance. The stones carved for this temple made by humans who have long since passed who once praised them now lay in almost ruin, overrun from thick vines that seemed to want to swallow the mountain whole.

He made his way down into the darkness where he came upon an opening filled with skeletons from the humans that were captured and brought here by Camazotz to feed upon, along with his children. He looked up to see his bats perched on the roof of the cave staring down at him with their glowing red eyes. He continued his path deeper into the cave.

He came upon another opening, this one wider and much bigger than where his children feed. He walked up to the raised altar that was covered from melted wax from the candles mixed with blood from other sacrifices. Behind the altar was a large throne chair made of skeletons made of human, animals and some Gods that tried to defeat his master but failed.

He knelt down before the throne when a low sinister voice echoed off the walls of the huge cave. "Camazotz, vuelves tin wiknal yéetel vacías k'abo'ob." (Camazotz, you return to me empty handed).  Camazotz peered at his masters' feet daring not look at his eyes. "Master, the man and young women turned out to be much more resilient than the others." A low rumble can be heard coming from the throne along with movement as the being stood up to get closer to Camazotz.

His decaying, grey skin more visible in the low light of the candles, his hallow eyes gleaming in the light as he closed in on Camazotz who was still looking away from his master.

"Are you saying two mere mortals defeated my great warrior?" he said in almost a mocking tone, as his face was only inches from Camazotz to where he could smell his dead flesh.

"Master-" Camazotz began before he was snatched from the floor and now was hanging in the air, being held by his masters demonic grasp.

"Tell me", his master asked derisively, "Tell me how you, were DEFEATED BY TWO PITIFUL HUMANS?!" he roared, his voice booming off the cave walls so loud it caused the stalactites on the roof of the cave to come down, smashing around them. Camazotz clawing at his masters hands to be released, was finally let go and dropped to the floor. He choked in the air as he tried to speak.

"There, *cough* the  girl *cough*, her eyes turned black, and she killed one of my Bacico (bats) without even touching it." Camazotz spat out as he held his throat.

His master was walking away back to his throne when he stopped at his warriors' words. Could it be? Turning to face Camazotz who was still on the floor, demanded he tell him everything about the girl. So Camazotz told him the story of how he saw their boat in the middle of the ocean, the father protecting his daughter and when he killed him the girl turned into something he's never witnessed before, she had an evil energy that surrounded her, and she dropped into the ocean and never resurfaced after her cries sent him flying.

Hearing this, he stared at Camazotz blankly before his lips curled into a conniving smile and titled his head back to let out a demonic laugh so unnatural that even Camazotz found himself getting chills. "So, she has finally been found; after all this millenia." He said in a sadistic tone. 

 "Ah Puch? Who is she?"

Ah Puch looked at Camazotz for a moment before turning his attention back to his alter.  He walked towards it reaching for a small box in the center of the table.  The box was carved out of an ancient black tree that held magical properties, opening the box, Ah Puch pulled out a jagged piece of bone that had black smoke swirling around it.  He turned and tossed the jagged bone to Camazotz.

"Ba'ax le je'ela'?" (What is this?) Camazotz asked.

"Le ba'ala' a permitirá ma' K'astal le le ka'atéen." (This will allow you to not lose her this time.) Ah Puch answered without looking at him as he made his way back to his chair.  

Camazotz looked at the jagged piece and then bowed to his master as he was about to leave.  Just as he made it to the entry of the cave Ah Puch called to him again.  "Camazotz."  Turning to face his master who was sitting on his throne looking at him with his hollow black eyes.  "Do not lose her again."  Camazotz bowed once more and made his leave.  

Once Ah Puch was alone, he pulled out a pouch from his side.  He opened it and pulled out a piece of silver hair.  He held it up to admire it before smiling to himself in a sinister grin.  "Finalmente a ts'o'ok in kaxtik." (I have finally found you.) he said to himself.  The God of Death had lost her once, and he was bound to not let her slip from his grasp again. 

**Authors Note:

Hi guys! Sorry this one is so short, the next one might be a little short too but maybe i'll post two chapters next week.  We will see! ;)

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