Chapter 24

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I watched as he walked away and left me in the cave alone after trying to console him. He seemed so lost in thought even in my tired state. I thought a moment of comfort would help, but I was clearly wrong. I begin to wonder what has happened to him in the past that has him act like this. The loss of a loved one? Bad break up? Or maybe its just me and I scare him. I chuckled to myself from my last thought, I must be tired thinking Namor is scared of a girl half his size. But in reality, maybe he should be; and that's why he may not want to be close to me. I'm not sure why I even care, I shouldn't; but I have this pull to him anytime he's near and I want to be in his presence. Clearly, he does not feel that.

I barely realize Namora come up from the pool when she comes up to me dripping wet as the water pools at her feet and gets my dress wet.

"Apologies god-I mean Mo

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"Apologies god-I mean Mo." she says with a warm smile as she crouches down next to me and grabbing the hem of the dress and ring out the water. I placed my hand on hers letting her know that I didn't mind. The sudden cold helped wake me up a bit, but it does nothing to hide the exhaustion on my face.

"You really haven't been sleeping, have you?" Namora asked with sympathy in her voice as she reached out to my face. I nod my head no at her. I like Namora, she has been the closest thing to a friend I have had here, in fact probably my entire life. Living on an island where everyone knows how you came to be with your parents doesn't exactly scream "hey be my best friend and watch me hold my breath underwater forever!". I know some people were afraid of me, and that was enough to make sure their kids stayed clear of me. "Sirena Malvada" they called me. Evil Mermaid, they thought would grow up to take their children and drown them. If anything, they should have been more afraid of my mother. Once she heard a woman in the market call me that she went right up to her and got in her face screaming to never speak of me like that again. When she was mad; she was mad mad and it was better not to provoke her. The thought of my mother makes me smile lightly, but also sad. Namora notices this.

"Are you thinking of home?" she asked me.

"No, just what is missing there." I reply sadly.

Namora places her hand on my shoulder and gives me a light smile behind her water mask. Really looking at Namora I never noticed how pretty she was, with her long-braided hair and chocolate brown eyes. I wonder if she has anyone special in Talokan that waits for her while she speaks of her day.

"Do you have any family Namora?" I asked her genuinely curious. She seemed surprised by my question. It had occurred to me that I never asked her about her life, or Attumas for that matter. They have been kind to me, and I know nothing about them, or Namor. Namora shifts to sit next to me as she speaks of her life. She tells me about her childhood and growing up to be a great warrior like her father who protected Talokan with a young Namor. She also surprises me when she tells me that she is Namors great cousin. Her family has long since passed but she has Namor and they sometimes speak of their families, more her than him.

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