Chapter 6

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The wind was blowing extremely rough today making the waves choppier as the small sailboat carved its way through the water. Moselle found herself hanging on tightly to the ropes that led up to the mainsail as her father steered them in the direction of the dive site.

She could feel her braid coming undone from how fast the wind had picked up, feeling the small strands escape and lightly brush against her face. With the way the wind had picked up Moselle worried the current would actually be too much for her today. She hoped that wasn't the case, if anything her dad would determine if it was safe or not but being that he hadn't said anything or turned around she put her worries at ease.

Just as Moselle felt like she was getting used to the choppy waves her father came around from the steer and motioned her to help him with the anchor. He's not as strong as he used to be, he hardly comes out to the dives by himself anymore unless Moselle is with him and if Moselle were to ever admit it to him these days were always her favorite with him. Alone, away from the straying eyes of the people back home. Just her, her dad and their small boat with the whole ocean in front of them.

Once the anchor was in the water Moselle went down to the small cabin and got herself ready to get in the water. As much as she hated wearing a wetsuit her dad always made her wear one, he thought it would camouflage her from predators that could be lurking down there. Not that it would do much good, it was a long sleeve one piece that covered her entire torso but exposed her ivory legs. She had finally convinced her dad to at least let her pick out a suit that was more versatile to her movements when she swam. She has always felt constricted in regular wetsuits.

Once zipped up she opt to redo her braid, just so the strands didn't get in her face. When she finished, she headed back up to the deck to meet her father who was already waiting for her. "Ready?" he said with an encouraging tone. With a smile she simply replied "Oh yeah going down in dark waters unknowingly for whatever lurks down there." Picking up the sarcasm in her answer Louis rolled his eyes at his daughter, "Well; I hope you swim fast then." He smiled sarcastically back at her. "Ouch." she laughed out.

After going over which profiling float to fix, he handed her the tools in the crossbody bag, so it was easier for her to swim down without the feeling of being pulled. Once she had the bag of tools situated comfortably, she was ready. Standing on the boat's edge she was just about to dive in when her dad called out to her for a "please be careful" speech he always gave her before she dived. Giving him her signature hand salute with a smile she dives in.

Moselle glided through the water making her way down to the last location of the device, she took her time to adjust to the changing pressure as she went deeper. She didn't have to go too far in the water to get to the device, but to a normal person the pressure would be too much. Spotting the profiling float, Moselle fished out her underwater headlight so she could see what she was dealing with. This device had to be at least 8 feet in length. She had fixed these things so many times Moselle was convinced she could probably build one from scratch. Opening the small latch, she could see that the hydraulic pump was completely burnt out and the temperature gauge was damaged. "Fuck my life." she said to herself. Pulling out the needed tools she got to work.

After what seemed like a few hours and some new cuss words Moselle was finally done fixing the device

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After what seemed like a few hours and some new cuss words Moselle was finally done fixing the device. Taking a look at her G-shock watch she realized it had been some time, 3 hours to be precise. As she was placing the tools back in the crossbody one of the screw drivers slipped out of the bag and sank to the bottom out of her sight. Moselle lifted her head back and groaned in annoyance, "Damn it.", she said under her breath. She threw the crossbody off her shoulder and secured it to the device for now and proceeded to retrieve the tool.

As she swam deeper, she could feel the temperature change only slightly. Guiding herself with her headlamp she searched for the screwdriver, going over every rock, and seaweed plant to no luck. She began to think the current must have drifted it off instead of sinking straight down like she thought. She began to lose her patience and was about to accept the loss when she spotted something shiny sticking out of the sand. Finally, she thought. Just as she was about to pick up the tool something else caught her attention. Just a few feet from the screwdriver was a small basket with a woven texture filled with what seemed like sand dollars. What is a basket doing all the way down here? Curious, she went to pick it up to further examine it when a flash of something small and dark darted by just a few feet in front of her. Thinking it was some marine life Moselle stayed still, not making any sudden movements. She didn't know what was watching her, but she didn't want to chance it by swimming off and it chases after her when it was already hard to see with just her head lamp.

She spotted the figure again going behind a rock wall and could tell whatever it could be was smaller than her but not by much. Moving slowly, Moselle made her way to the pile of rocks. Her heart was racing but she thought if she could maybe get the upper hand on whatever it was she would be safe to swim away. With the screwdriver as her weapon she rounded the rocks with her arm raised to strike. As she closed in, she swam above the rocks and was about to come down of the dark figure when her headlamp caught something in its beam that made Moselle's eyes go wide. Landing on her feet she stood there on the bottom of the ocean floor, her headlamp shining on a pair of small human feet. As she moved her head lamp up, it revealed more than feet. Her headlamp captured legs, then a torso and then a face. Moselle lost all feeling in her body from the shock she was looking at. Staring back at her was a little girl at the bottom of the ocean, and she was breathing water like her. 

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Authors  Note:

I better get a thank you cause I am posting two chapters today :p

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