Chapter 37

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I'm in the same field on the island from my dream the other night. Only this time I am not surrounded by bodies. I look up to see the sky is dark and cloudy. When I sit up to stand, I am taken aback by how vibrant the field is. The tall grass is a deep shade of green and the wildflowers that surround me are violet and deep yellows. The trees sway to a breeze that isn't there. Calm. Everything was so calm. It would have been beautiful for me to take in..if it wasn't for her.

My demon half smiled wickedly at me from across the field. I stare at my face for a moment. Taking in the dark black eyes and the black webbing that covered my skin. She's wearing the same red tattered dress as before. I meet her dark eyes again before I slowly make my way towards her. She does the same.

We met halfway and that same smile is still plastered on her face. My face.

"Well." She says with a voice that isn't entirely mine. "I suppose you want me to thank you for letting me out for a while."

"I didn't-" I stop myself as a flash of memory comes across my thoughts. Attuma holding Namora, lightning; my hands around a throat.

"What did you do?" I hiss.

"I ended it." That was all she said.

Camazotz. I-she killed Camazotz. Although part of me was relieved another part of me remembers how almost torturous it was. I felt his bones break from just a flick of my hand. The electricity was coursing through me as it was shot at him, burning him alive. I felt the bile rise but I forced it back down. I had never killed anything before. I hated Camazotz with all my heart, so why do I feel sick to my stomach that I am the one who ended him.

Laughter brought me out of my thoughts as my demon half circled around me. Her dark eyes taking me in.

"I can feel your guilt dripping off you girl." she said as she continued to watch me. "He hurt us, so I hurt him in return."

"And what about Namor?" I quickly asked. "What of him and the general he was with?"

She stopped circling me, giving me a stare that I couldn't place. She looked at me almost like she's surprised I'd think of them harmed by her hand. My hand.

"I did not harm your Talokan."

I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding. I was almost relieved until she said. "I wouldn't hurt something to my liking." She said giving me a sneer smile.

"You do not touch him!" I bark.

She only cocked her head at me and continued smiling at me. Then she walked closer to me, so close I could make out what looked like a gold ring around the iris of her eyes.

"Whether you like it or not, girl. I am the only one who can help you when the time comes."

"What are you talking about?" I ask holding her gaze.

"Questions, questions." She said stepping back from me. "So many possible answers yet only one answer for all lives to be saved."

"I don't undertsand."

"All will be answered soon." Was all she said to me before she whispered the words that hit me like a soft wind. "Wake."

I awoke as pain went through every part of my body. I tried to breathe but it felt like the air was made of glass. I opened my eyes expecting to see the familiar cave walls, but the cave walls were not there. Instead, I was in a room that looked like it was made of concrete and technology. I lull my head to the side and see a heart monitor and other machines I don't really recognize. I look ahead of me and see I am in what looks like a hospital gown. There was a soft cotton blanket over me as I laid on a huge cozy bed. I try to sit up, but a voice stops me.

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