Chapter 21

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Moselle woke early feeling eager to get her training started, even though she wasn't quite sure what that would involve exactly. She knows she needs to get her outbursts under control but how can she when she doesn't even know what triggers them to begin with. A knot began to form in her stomach, what if it was something she couldn't learn to control. What if all she was meant to do with these powers was to hurt people? Moselle looked down at her hands but quickly formed fists and threw the thought out of her head. She'd be damned if she begins to think like that, she has never hurt anyone in her life and isn't planning too. Shaking the nerves off her she dressed in her board shorts and threw on her T-shirt and went to find Namor.

She walked a short way through a corridor and found what looked like a makeshift hut carved out of the cavern walls. Moselle made her way to the door and called through the tapestry curtain that covered the doorway. "Namor?" she called but there was no answer. Was he still asleep? She called his name again and opened the curtain and made her way inside.

Upon entering, she saw tables covered in papers and writing quills in a messy bunch. Vibrant paint colors dried in conch shells with paint brushes laid out on the tables as well. She looked around and noticed a small bed, maybe a little bigger than the one she slept in last night in the corner of the room unbothered. No one slept here last night. Moselle figured he would have slept here but maybe she was mistaken. He is a king after all he probably has a huge bedroom in Talokan, why sleep in a cave if he doesn't have too.

Moselle continued to look around the room at all the detailed paintings on the walls. She stopped in front of one of a man and what looks like a panther fighting each other. She continued on to look at all the blues, oranges and reds on the walls so rich in color she wanted to reach out and see if the paint was still wet. Shifting her attention from the walls, she began to look at all the drawings spread out all over the small tables when a voice startled her. "What are you doing?" a toying voice said to her. Moselle was so focused on the drawings she didn't even notice someone enter the room making her jump. She looked up to see a woman standing by the doorway with her arms crossed in a disapproving stance but her face looks amused that she scared Moselle. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun with a braid securely wrapped around it. She wore bindings around her forearms like an MMA fighter would wear before a fight. The women wasn't very tall, maybe another five inches over Moselle but she was in good shape. Moselle found herself staring at her unsure what to say. Should she not be in here in Namor isn't? The women raised an eyebrow at her waiting for a response.

"Umm." Was all Moselle could say at the moment, which seemed to amuse the women more.

"Is there a reason you are in the great K'uk'ulkans private quarters, without his consent?" The women asked.

Shit. That was all Moselle could think. "I-I'm sorry, I was looking for him and I guess I got caught up in the drawings." She answered honestly even though the way in came out all stammered like a child getting caught sneaking a treat before dinner. The women stared at her for a long moment before slowly walking to her. As she neared, Moselle held in her breath not daring to breathe. The women looked her in the eyes and Moselle looked back trying to stand her ground, even though she was caught in Namors room. After what seemed like a long stare down an annoyed groan came from the other side of the door and a huge man who looked like he could give Moselles father a run for his money entered the room.

"Namora, quit playing with her and lets go he's waiting for us on the beach." The big man said.

Moselle looked back at the women who was now smiling at her. "Attuma why must you ruin the fun." she said, finally peeling her eyes off Moselle.

The man rolled his eyes as the women made her way to him. "Forgive us Goddess, I hope we didn't startle you too much." He and the women began to bow to her. "I am Attuma and this is Namora. K'uk'ulkan sent us to bring you to him."

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