Chapter 27

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We flew for 10 miles as we drew closer to what I was sensing. It was strange, when I entered the water with Zyanna I felt a pull and then I heard the crying. Something in me was telling me to go, and I'm glad Namor joined me. It gave me time to tell him about my experience in the jungle and how Ixchel told me more about the past that Andres didn't. I also told him of Andres passing. After that he stayed silent.

I didn't tell him about there may be a way to stop Ah Puch. I didn't feel it was necessary since Ixchel didn't even tell how and that I needed to find out for myself. And at this rate it seems hiding from him was the only option until I do find that answer.

I sense us getting closer and Namor suggests that we get into the water, in case it's a trick. I don't believe it, but I do it; not wanting to argue with him.

We swim until we are underneath a small wooden boat, I look curiously at it wondering what a small boat like that is doing so far out here. Then I heard it again, the crying. I'm about halfway up when I feel a firm hand grab my ankle as it gently pulls me back down.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks me, although he's not looking at me but what's above us.

"What?" I say in a sarcastic tone. "Is the mighty Namor afraid of a wee little boat?" I finish with a smile. But he remains serious. Bad time for joking noted.

"Look." I start. "I will just poke my head up and if I don't see anything ill come back under. Besides," I say tilting my head to the side. "you'll be here if anything happens."

This time he gives me a small smile, probably barely counts as a smile but I take it.

I make my way to the surface and poke my head out of the water slowly. The water ran down my face as I listened. I don't hear anything at first but then over the movement of waves I hear a small sob coming from the boat. Quietly I emerge halfway out of the water, so my eyes are barely peering over the side of the small boat. What I see makes my heart sink.

In the boat is a small boy. His light brown skin glistening in sweat from the high sun beating down on him. The poor thing is only wearing a bright orange tank top and khaki shorts and no shoes. He's hunched over holding himself in his arms as he tries not to cry. I move around the boat to try to get a look at his face when I accidentally kick the bottom, making the boy jump. He moves so quickly that he trips over the netting and falls over the side.

Quickly I duck under and see him struggling to surface. He must not know how to swim. I grab his small hand and pull him up with me. When we surface, he takes a huge deep breath but flails his free arm around with his eyes closed. I brought him back to the boat and leapt us into the air and into the safety of the boat. His eyes are still closed but he knows he's safe, at least, I think.

"Are you alright?" I ask as quietly as possible.

I took a moment to study him. He can't be more than six years old. A small wave of anger washes over me, how could his parents be so careless. Unless they are lost too.

The child finally opens his eyes, at least one of them as he looks around and then stops on me. Now both his eyes are open, but not from fear to my surprise he seems more shocked there's a person here with him.

I watch him as he studies his surroundings before he looks back to me and speaks.

"Are you a mermaid?" He asks me in his childlike voice.

I am caught off guard by his question that I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. The boy just smiles at me as he watches me.

"Not exactly." I say in an amused tone. I raise my legs a little and wiggle my toes. "Or I just missed the chance of getting my tail."

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