Chapter 38

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When I woke up the next morning, I found myself alone in bed. I reached over to where Namor lay next to me only to be welcomed by cold sheets. I looked around the room and he was nowhere. Perhaps he went to check on Namora and Attuma. Hopefully I'll be able to move around better to see her.

Stretching as comfortably as I could I began to sit up only for the bed to start moving on its own, putting me into an upright position, when a characteristic voice sounded the room.

"Good morning, Moselle."

"Were you just waiting for me to wake up?"

Griot didn't say. Instead, I hear clattering to my right and look to see a steaming breakfast waiting for me to devour. I hum at the savory smell of bacon and bell pepper omelet. I go to reach for the plate, but the table moves away from me.

"Medication first, please."

Another sound to my left and I look to see a tall glass of water and two antibiotic pills. I look up to the ceiling and roll my eyes before taking the meds and popping them into my mouth and down my water. When I'm done, I look at the table of food as it comes near me again. I reach for it once again and look around as if I am silently asking if I can eat now. Griot didn't say anything as the food table moved in front of me.

I eat the omelet in a matter of minutes. Then I practically devour the blueberry lemon muffin, by the time I finish my juice I'm so full I could fall asleep again.

"Glad to see you have an appetite this morning." Griot said with amusement.

Not that I am complaining about the food back in Talokan it was equally as delicious as the food here. But that muffin.

"Please tell whoever made the muffin I want the recipe. Also, the food was delicious."

I debated asking Griot if I could by chance have the stew again tonight, but the doors to my room opening brought my attention away from food. I smile expecting to see Namor but my smile dims when I realize it's not him, but a woman. A young woman who seemed to be in her early twenties with dark smooth skin. Her hair was short and buzzed on the sides except for the top was piled with tight curls. She smiled at me as she closed the door softly behind her.

"Good morning." She says to me in her accent voice. "I am glad to see you are doing better."

"She has taken the medication your majesty, and her vitals are still regular." Griot said. But the word "majesty" caught.

"Majesty?" I say in a hushed tone.

The women only smile at me. "Thank you, Griot."

She makes her way to the side of my bed and checks the screen reading chart after chart before she turns to look at me once more.

"How are you feeling today?" She asks me in a kind tone.

I only stared at her. Now that she is closer to me, I can make out the hazel in her eyes. She is very pretty to look at.

"Good." That is all I can say.

"That is good." She says. "Considering your injuries I was concerned you wouldn't be moving much at all."

"Food seems to motivate her your majesty."

"Does not!" I argue. Causing the women to laugh.

"Enough Griot." She says with a smile. "Apologies about him, he takes a mind of his own after a while."

"I am only of your design my princess." Griot says in a charming tone.

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