Chapter 26

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I stretch out on the bed, mu muscles popping from my deep sleep. As I open my eyes I realize im not looking up to my normal blue glow of the cave walls but warm ambient brown clay walls, surrounded by his paintings. I'm in Namors quarters. I had asked to stay with him last night, still afraid that if I close my eyes Ah Puch would be waiting for me. I take in my surroundings of scattered papers and paint brushes that lay around his small table just like the first time I came in here. I smile to myself picturing him sitting at his chair that's across from me and drawing, his mind at ease.

I lay my head back down on the pillow and breath in the familiar scent of him. Sea salt and coconut. My heart flutters at the thought of him letting me stay here with him last night, although now I am going to have to make it up to him for my disappearance act yesterday and that I stole his bed.

Taking a deep breath I finally roll out of bed and make my way to mine to find fresh clothes and a small comb with a small shell clip. At least whoever has been leaving me clothes is punctual. Looking down at my dress from yesterday and realizing how dirty I actually am, I feel a bath is necessary before I do anything this morning.

I take a look around to make sure that I am in fact alone before taking my dress off and kicking it off to the side before entering a pool that has tall stalagmites coming up from the ground, making it more private. The water is surprisingly warm on my skin. I dip down, letting the water cascade over my skin, the warmth relaxing me more.

I finish washing up and make my way to where I left the fresh clothes and begin to change into them. The pale blue loincloth hangs just above my ankles and wraps around my hips softly. Small slits run up the sides to make sitting easier. I finish tying off the bandeu top when I feel a presence behind me.

"Sleep well?" A deep voice says from behind me. I turn quickly but I already know who it is. Namor is standing there wearing a deep red robe that covers some of his exposed chest and torso. The color looks good against the color of his skin. I see his eyes blaze down, looking at my outfit making me feel suddenly exposed. When he looks back up at me and sees that I'm watching what he's doing he clears his throat and looks down at his feet quickly before looking back at me. Making me realize I still haven't answered him.

"I did

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"I did." I said with a genuine smile. "And thank you for staying with me. I really do appreciate it." I finish.

He cocks his head to the side as he begins to walk toward me. "Did that help you sleep?" He asks. He closes the distance between us as he looks down at me. He's so close I can feel the heat from his skin radiating off him.

"I think so." I answer almost in a whisper that if anyone else was around they wouldn't have heard me. Just him.

His stare is so intense I go to look away, suddenly shy but he catches my chin between his index finger and thumb. Tilting my head up until I'm looking at him again. His stare never falters as we stare at each other in silence. My heart is slamming against my rib cage, threatening to leap out as his thumb comes up and traces my lips sending a shiver down my spine making my eyes flutter closed at his touch. Then suddenly it's gone.

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