Chapter 36

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The sky had grown darker by the time we reached the border gate of Wakanda. I had to bring Moselle and myself into the water so we wouldn't be detected in the air and swim toward the sand bank where Attuma waited with a barely conscious Namora. Moselle still hadn't opened her eyes and her breathing had become more ragged by the minute.

When we reached the sand bank, I gently laid Moselle down so I could scope out the area to make sure there were no warriors hidden in the trees.

"Lela' jump'éel horrible tuukul K'uk'ulkan." (This is an awful idea K'uk'ulkan.)

I turn to meet Attumas hard stare. He doesn't want to be here anymore than I do but Moselle is dying, and Namora could be too for all we know. What choice did I have. I don't respond to his comment as I listen for any movement in the trees. But that doesn't stop him from speaking.

"Le Wakandan a matarán wa a Ko'oten. Kux tu láak' ba'ax?" (The Wakandans will kill you if they see you. And then what?) He says in a serious tone.

I think about his words for only a moment when Moselle groans in pain as she coughs up more blood. I'm already at her side when her eyes barely open.

"I'm here Moselle. I'm here." I say as relief washes over me. She winces and groans as she tries to move but her body is too damaged.

"Stay still mi amor, I'm getting you help."

Her breathing slows again as her eyes flutter closed and I take that as my sign to hurry. I stand and make my way back into the water before I turn back to Attuma and order him to leave if I do not return in an hour. And before he could argue I dove into the water and made my way under the gates.

I swim up the river all the way to the city's center before I stop under a bridge for cover

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I swim up the river all the way to the city's center before I stop under a bridge for cover. I peek my head out and notice there are not many people out due to the rain, but the area is still well guarded. Two Dora Milaje warriors walk over me on the bridge while another two-stand guard on either side. I glance to my left and can see the palace. I have to time myself perfectly if I want to make it there without causing a scene; or being shot down.

I wait for the two Dora Miliaje on the bridge separate and walk back to their opposite sides to join the other warriors. I count the seconds it takes them to walk back and just as I count to ten, I take off into the air fast to not be spotted and make my way quickly to the palace.

I am flying with all the speed I have and just as i begin to think I am going to make it to the throne room windows, bright lights blind my vision and some kind of force, so loud it hits me that I must cover my ears and I hunch over in the air. The sound is defining, but I know it's the same sonic wave they used in our last battle. Only this time I am not underwater, and I can't find the source.

Alarms and shouts can be heard all around me as I try to get my baring's when a bright orange net shoots out toward me and I am caught in it. Heat touches my skin so hot and quickly I barely realize that I'm falling towards the ground. The nets are heated to dehydrate me. And they work too fast for me to even react. I go crashing to the ground where I am met by Dora Milaje and Jabari warriors surrounding me with heated spears pointing right at me. Part of me wants to fight but I know I can't. I need them and fighting and killing them won't convince anyone. I raise my hands in front of me as Dora Milaje comes toward me.

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