Chapter 11

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It was another two days before Moselle woke up again. The feeling of someone rewrapping the bandage on her arm caused her to stir. When she opened her eyes she saw a women sitting beside her. Her long black hair was tied into a tight braid, she wore a long brown dress with intricate patterns of orange sewn into it. The dress covered her shoulders and most of her body, but it didn't hide the fact that her skin was blue.

Moselle sat up quickly, pain shooting through her body but not as intense as before. Her sudden movements startled the woman making her fall back onto the cave floor, she knocked into the table causing it to fall to the floor with a loud crash that echoed on the cave walls. Moselle went to move to her feet feeling the pain in her back causing her to curse under her breath. The woman began shouting at Moselle but she couldn't understand her, hurried footsteps could be heard coming from somewhere in the cave making Moselle spring to her feet ignoring the slight pain in her body and ran.

As she was running, she could hear the footsteps quickly follow behind her, along with men shouting. Moselle continued running till she came upon a pool of water with light coming out from the bottom. Sunlight? She didn't have time to consider what was on the other side, the footsteps and shouts were closing in on her. Taking a step forward Moselle dove headfirst into the water and out of the cave.

Once she was on the other side, she climbed up the rock steps and began to run again. Pain hit her ribs making Moselle cling to her side like holding them was going to ease the pain. She ran through the trees as dirt clung onto her wet body, she could hear the crash of waves in the distance. When she ran through the clearing her eyes burned from the intense sun she hadn't seen in so long, when they adjusted she could see the ocean just up ahead of her, she didn't know where she was exactly and didn't care she just had to get out of here.

Just as she took a step forward, she felt arms wrap around her waist. Grabbing them, Moselle flipped her body around and they both came crashing down on the sand. She went to get back on her feet when her ankle was grabbed, making her fall to the ground again. Moselle was dragged back through the sand, she began thrashing her arms around to hit whoever was attacking her. She turned slightly to see a man was the cause of her fall, with a closed fist she went to hit him only for him to be grab her hand along with her other wrist and hold them down above her head. Moselle tried to wiggle her way out but was unsuccessful, her adrenaline must be wearing off because she could feel the pain begin to creep back. She went to kick the man off only to realize how close his body was to hers making it hard to move her legs. Moselle looked up at his face that was dangerously close to hers, so close she could see the specs of gold in his eyes. His lips brushed against her cheek when she tried to move again but he was too strong for her, Moselles breathing increased when her eyes met his again.

Namor watched her try to free herself from his grasp, he didn't want to hold her like this but he couldn't have her run off either. He was surprised how strong she was when she flipped them both when he tried to grab her the first time, especially for being injured. He had to use his entire body just to keep her on the ground, his chest pressed against hers, he could feel her heart pounding. He looked at her face to see she was staring at his, her piercing blue eyes looking into his like she was trying to read his thoughts. He caught her looking from his eyes to his lips then back to his eyes.

Slightly distracted from her action Namor didn't realize that she had freed her leg until he was now on his back with her knee pressing into his chest. Her skirt was bunched up exposing her bare thigh.  He looked up and met her face that was looking at him. Moselle stared at him trying to think of her next move when Namor was already grabbing the back of her leg making her move forward and putting her right back in their previous position on her back. Grunting in frustration Moselle went to yell at him but he was already speaking. "Enough of this!" Namor yelled out, catching Moselles attention. She stopped fighting and looked up at him with fearful eyes.

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