Chapter 15

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The sun had just begun to rise when Moselle reached the shore of her island. She popped her head out of the water to see if anyone was out and about yet, but saw no one. Grabbing Namor who was starting to slightly wake up, shuffled his steps as Moselle began to quickly make their way to her home.

They went around the corner and Moselle could see her home just a few feet away when she heard the creak of a door opening. She quickly went into an alley along with Namor and hid them behind some old crates. Namor groaned in pain and she quickly covered his mouth hoping to quiet him. He began to fall forward resting his head on her shoulder, she could hear his breathing get bad again. Moselle popped her head up when a man carrying a fishing pole walked by and continued his way towards the beach. She waited a few seconds before beelining it to her front door with Namor hanging on her arm.

Once they were inside, Moselle made her way to her bedroom and laid Namor down on her small bed. He wasn't moving again, and his eyes were fluttering open and closed. Moselle ran down the small hallway to her parents' bedroom grabbing all the leftover medical supplies from when her mother was sick. Making her way back to her room, she went straight to Namor and moved him to his side to get a better access to the poisoned scratch that seemed to be growing quickly. His skin was hot, and he was sweating. Grabbing a cotton pad and alcohol she dabbed the liquid onto the pad and gently pressed it to Namors infected skin, causing Namor to arch his back in pain.

The black webs seemed to slow down a bit, thinking the alcohol was working Moselle grabbed another cotton pad and dowsed it in alcohol and pressed it to Namors back again. Namor hissed at the stinging. The black webs weren't going away, if anything it was moving more quickly over his skin covering most of his back and shoulders. Moselle began to panic. Nothing in the medical kit was going to help. She could hear Namors breathing begin to get ragged, she flipped him over and saw the black webs were starting to come onto his face. "Namor?" she said panicked. His fever was getting worse, and his breathing was becoming more ragged. Moselle had to think of something and something fast.

She ran to her kitchen thinking maybe there were more medications somewhere.  She began tearing through the cabinets in hopes for something but there was nothing to be found.  Moselle began pacing, she grabbed the edges of the sink to see the clean dishes she had washed on the last day she had breakfast with her father. Seeing the dishes made Moselle angry, she grabbed a plate and chucked it into a wall watching it smash into a million pieces. She grabbed another plate, hurling it at the table knocking over her mothers favorite fruit bowl. The bowl fell to the floor and all the fruit came rolling out along with a turmeric root. Moselle saw the root and remembered something.  Her mother treated her father for a snake bite with turmeric root. Namor may not have snake poison in him but at this point Moselle had to try anything.

Quickly, she grabbed the turmeric root and began to go through all the cabinets again until she found the evening primrose oil and tea tree oil. Grabbing a kettle, she filled it with water and started heating it up on the stove. Once the water was boiling, she threw in the root and oils. Moselle watched as everything broke down in the water before she scooped out the leftover root, saving it for later use and poured the liquid into a cup. Making her way back to Namor who was still unconscious on her bed, she sat beside him holding his head up trying to get him to drink the liquid. "Namor?  If you can hear me you need to drink this." She tried to filter it through his lips but it was just spilling out. Moselle tried again but no luck, she couldn't get him to be conscious enough to drink. There was only thing she could do.

"Please don't wake up for this." she said almost to herself.

Taking the cup to her lips, Moselle filled her mouth with the tea and used her hands to cup Namors face so his lips opened up slightly and pressed her lips to his. His lips were soft against hers. She filled his mouth with the liquid and pulled back to hold his head up so it went down his throat. She repeated this again and again until the tea was gone. Now all she could do was wait.

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