Chapter 23

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She didn't sleep the rest of that night; nor did she sleep the night after. Whatever happened in her dream she refused to speak of it. Although I had my suspicions of who haunted her dreams. I stayed close by, but we did not speak. It wasn't until 2 days later that I noticed the dark circles forming under her eyes from her lack of sleep and her stumbling when she tries to walk that I finally spoke my concerns.

"You need to rest my Goddess." I spoke as softly as I could, not wanting to startle her. Her lack of sleep has made her jump to the slightest noise that echoes off these cave walls. I watch her stare blankly at the pool of water near us and water droplets fall from the ceiling causing little ripples in the glowing blue water. When she doesn't respond to me, I reach my arm out and graze her shoulder with my fingertips, sending heat through my hand and throughout my body. I can't explain why my body reacts like this from the littlest touch, I remember the first time it happened it was in her home when we sat next to each other, and she placed her hand over mine. Her blue eyes turned a sea green color as the sun shined through the window onto her face.

Her body jolting slightly sends me back to reality and her tired eyes are looking at me now. "I can't." She says, trying to hide the fear in her voice. "What if he is there, waiting in the dark like last time? What if he..." She trails off bringing her knees to her chest as her arms wrap tighl around them. I can see the tears forming in her eyes as she looks away from me trying to hide them. I do not want her to be afraid, but I cannot help her train if she doesn't get the rest she needs. Selfishly I had thought of slipping a sleeping root into her tea to help her rest but went against it. I need her to trust me and even I know that's not the way to go about it. But I am a man who's patience wears thin when it comes to his people. Wakanda knows it too well, when they attacked and killed two of my servants. So, I took their queen who made the order. That meeting with Ramonda haunts me to this day, she kept me away while Shuri and that scientist escaped with the Wakanda warrior, killing two Talokanil who were unarmed. Even after showing Shuri the importance of what I am protecting, she still betrayed me along with her deceiving mother.

My silence must have gone on for too long because Moselle shifts her body towards me, so she is sitting on her knees facing me, her arm reaching out and taking my hand in hers. "Where'd you go?" she asks, her eyes searching mine like I was lost in the dark. Her thumb stroking over my knuckles sending a bit of electricity through my nerves. I look at her hand in mine, it looks so delicate compared to my hands that have taken lives of many. The thought of the blood on my hands holding hers makes me uncomfortable so much that I pull away and walk away from her, leaving the cave entirely. Because the truth is that my darkness is what I am constantly lost in, and I don't intend to find a way out.

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I make my way to the beach after leaving Moselle in a hurry. Trying to gather my thoughts of everything I have done and everything I am doing for Talokan. Ever since she came here, I have been haunted by the things I have done in the past. My killings, my destruction. When she asked me if I regretted killing anyone, I answered her honestly. Although I had never felt that way before, truthfully, I can't explain why I do feel regretful of killing Ramonda. She attacked first and I was only showing her my wrath that I warned her and Shuri about. It is not my fault that they did not listen to my warnings. It is their own fault the people of their kingdom were hurt; it is Ramonda's fault for not giving me the scientist who created that vile machine that put my people at risk. I am pacing back and forth as my thoughts go wild so that I didn't even notice that Attuma was running up to me, panic set in his eyes.

"K'uk'ulkan!" Attuma yelled as he closed in the distance between us, his spear in his hand. His eyes wide with panic catching my attention.

"What is it?" I asked urgently.

Attuma was still catching his breath as he tried to speak, in all my years of fighting alongside him, I had never seen him like this. "The goddess-" he finally starts making my spine stiffen. My body having a mind of its own reaches out and grabs Attuma by the shoulders, worry taking over me.

"What has happened?" I say urgently.

"She-Namora.." He started but stopped. My mind is going crazy, did Namora hurt Moselle? Did Moselle hurt Namora?

"Speak!" I yell at Attuma, my patience finally snapping.

"The goddess asked Namora and I if she could go outside for a bit, and we agreed but as soon as we were outside; she just disappeared. We searched for her, but we cannot find her."

My heart dropped. Has she run away? Or is Ah Puch behind this? She cannot be alone in her state, and I foolishly left her by herself. Idiota. I say to myself. I look back to Attuma and order him to show me where she disappeared.

As soon as we got there, I saw Namora running frantically from deep withing the trees. Worry showing on her face. I order them both to go back to the cave in case she makes her way back. I can't risk them staying out here seaching for her when the breathing masks they wear only last a few hours. I can't worry about them while I search for her. Namora is insistent to stay but I order her to return with Attuma. As soon as they are gone, I look to the bright sky. Its miday, I have five hours to find her before the sun starts to set and nightfall takes over. I jump and take flight over the trees, praying to whatever God is left that I find her in time. 

Hi! I decided to post a little early :)

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