Chapter 18

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Andres had beat Namor to the house. Before he could ask how Andres was already ushering him to the bathroom where a tub of hot water waited. "Put her in the water." Andres said with a sense of urgency. Moselle's breathing was beginning to become ragged and her face was almost covered in black swirls that moved under her skin. "A-Andres" she spoke in hollow breaths. "It hurts so bad." Moselle dug her nails into Namors skin as he kneeled down to place her in the hot water. "I know Mo, I promise the pain will stop." Andres spoke softly, he looked to Namor and nodded his head at him to place her in the water.

Once Namor had her in the water he grabbed the vile Andres gave him and unscrewed the cork that held the blue liquid. Tilting her head back Namor poured the liquid into her mouth like Andres instructed back on the beach. He watched her for a moment before he gently moved her body around looking for any cuts Ah Puch could have left on her that would explain her sudden sickness when Andres stopped him. "She wasn't poisoned like you were." he told Namor.

"Then how do you explain her sudden state then." Namor asked irritated. He didn't mean for it to come out that way but in all truth he was irritated. He tried protecting her and he couldn't even do that. He brought his attention back to Moselle who floated peacefully in the tub, whatever was in the vile seemed to be working slowly. He could see the liquid working its way under her skin dissipating the black that was covering her before. Namor continued to watch her until he felt Andres place his hand on his shoulder telling him to let her rest while the essence worked through her system.

Namor listened as Andres left the room, he kept his attention on Moselle for a moment longer before joining Andres.

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Andres was heating up the kettle when Namor entered the room. He turned around to see Namor was still standing in the hallway entry glaring at him. "You seem angry." Andres said in a sarcastic tone, as he placed two mugs on the table inviting Namor to sit with him. He did.

Namor took the cup and held it while Andres poured the tea, the smell of something sweet filled his nostrils as he took a quick sip of the hot liquid. He stared into the mug as he spoke to Andres. "What is she?" he asked, "And this time, tell me the truth old man." Namor asked in a serious tone. Andres took a long sip of his tea before setting his mug down and looking at Namor. He looked at him then back down at his mug before he spoke. "Its not that easy boy." Andres said shaking his head. Namor continued to stare him down until he gave him an answer, with a long sigh Andres continued.

"After my daughter died, Tadeus went insane with the thought of bringing her back. He blamed me for her death." Namor wanted to comment, but he held his tongue, he needed to know what was happening to Moselle. For some reason ever since he brought her to the cave and helped her, he felt something drawing himself to her. When she tried to runaway, he could've let her, she never would have been able to find her way back, but he didn't want her to leave. He brought himself out of his thoughts and back to what Andres was saying.

"Tadeus went on a rampage from village to village trying to find the tribe of Yum Kimil."

"Who is that?" Namor asked

"He was the original God of Death, before Tadeus killed him and consumed his power to become Ah Puch."

Namor watched Andres in disbelief, how could a mortal kill a God. "How is that possible? No mortal is that strong." Andres looked at Namor and raised an eyebrow at him. "Has your mother ever told you of semidioses?" Andres asked Namor curiously. "Yes," he answered "They were abominations to the Gods who feared they would destroy them." Namor remembered his mother telling him stories of the half Gods born out of wetlock who potentially could share the same powers as their parent. Their God parent fearing they would come and challenge their title would have them killed once they were born.

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