Chapter 22

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We have been training for 4 days and so far, no triggers.  Even with the necklace removed I don't feel anything trying to consume me, which I am relieved of if I am being completely honest with myself.  I don't like that feeling of disappearing in my mind while something sinister takes over.  Namora and Attumas self-defense training has been the highlight of my days here, it seems it's the only time I get to go out and get fresh air being most times I am in the cave.  Namor is there; sometimes.  I can't hold it against him though, he does have a kingdom to look over, but it does get lonely.

Namor has watched me train hard, although it feels like more training for Namora who tends to kick my ass every sparing session we have.  I know I've gotten better though because the other day I knocked her down by swiping my staff across her face as a distraction only to duck and kick her legs out.  Attuma taught me that.  The training doesn't last long being Namora and Attuma are limited to their breathing masks only lasting a few hours.  So, by noon I am alone again.  At least Namor lets me walk the beach during the day now, I think he felt me going a little stir crazy in the cave.  I stay out to see the sun almost set before I head back to the caves entrance where Namor is always waiting for me to make sure I keep my promise of being back before sundown.  I know he means well but God I hate how it makes me feel with my freedom being diminished to walking in the open during the day and having to return before night fall.  We guessed that's the only way Camazotz can travel and hunt for me is by nightfall, although we aren't truly sure, it's safer this way.

The sun has just begun to set.  I watched as the blue sky began to darken and the oranges and reds started to color the sky.  The waves and the sound of the palm trees in the light breeze are the only sounds around me as I take in the scenery for the night.  As the sun got lower on the horizon, I began to make my way back to the cave's entrance.  I cut through the trees and brush until I came to the water hole where Namor had just come up to meet me.  He climbed up the stone stairs quickly and met me halfway like he always does.  Not bothering to slick back his wet hair since we will be making our way into the water again.  As I began to walk by him, he surprised me by putting his hand out and stopping me.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

He brought his hand through his hair causing small water droplets to run down his face towards his neck.  I watched as the water ran down to the base of his neck before shootong my eyes up to him when he brought his hand over his face.  Something is up, he doesn't act like this normally unless something is really stressing him out.  Being stuck with him all this time I have picked up on his body language and notice when something is off.

"I have a request to ask you, but please don't feel obliged in any way."  he said.


He looked over me before meeting my eyes, sending a small shiver down my body.  I am not sure what this feeling is whenever he is around, my chest gets tight when he looks at me.  I can't say I hate the feeling because I don't.  Namor is kind to me, but I can't help but feel like I'm a burden to him.  He cleared his throat to speak, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"My council has told my people of you." He spoke.

I cocked my head at him.  "I thought they already knew of me though."  I asked.

"My people know of you, but not of your abilities.  They were not aware of the hearts you possessed; until now."  He finished frustrated.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No." He answered quickly.  "I was just hoping to get more training done before they went public with it.  Unfortunately that's not the case." He said. Pinching the bridge of his nose.

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