Chapter 13

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Namor followed behind Moselle as she led the way to her mother's resting place. Moselle was not too enthusiastic about him coming with her but he probably would've just followed her anyway if she told him not too, she thought. She wondered what his problem was. If he didn't trust her why save her and bring her to his home in the first place? She looked down at the urn that held her father's ashes that his people were kind to bring her once his cremation was complete.

They had burned his body the night before. Moselle collected hibiscus flowers and other floral plants to place along his body on the mound Namors men made. Moselle kept catching herself staring at the people with blue skin as they collected sticks and moss to burn. They helped her place his body and then left her alone to say her goodbyes, except Namor. He watched her in the trees where she couldn't see him. He watched her as she stood before the body for a while and placed her forehead to his muttering words he couldn't hear. He watched as Moselle removed his ring from his finger and added it to her necklace, he hadn't noticed before. Then Moselle lifted the torch and watched the flames come to life around the mans body. She stood before she fell to her knees bringing her hands to her face to wipe away her tears. Namor did nothing but study her from afar. He thought about leaving but decided against it, so he stayed until the early morning.

He stayed up all night watching the embers float towards the sky and to see Moselle had fallen asleep on the ground. Dropping down from the tree, he landed lightly on his feet and walked toward her. Moselle sensed something approaching and rolled over to see it was Namor bringing his robe to her once again. The morning air was crisp, so she took his offering wrapping the thick fabric around her once again. The woman who was rewrapping her bandages had brought her a dress to cover herself, but it wasn't enough to keep the chill away.

Moselle stayed seated on the ground and looked up to see the cremation was complete, her father's body was complete ash now, no signs of the once body she had just said goodbye to the night before. Namor watched her in silence before asking if she would like someone else to collect the ashes for her. "I couldn't ask your people to do that." she said not making eye contact with him. "You wouldn't be, and my people understand loss and how difficult it could be for someone to do what you have done on your own." Moselle looked up at him, her eyes becoming glossy. She didn't even think about how alone she was until Namor reminded her. What home does she have to go back too if her father wasn't there? After a few minutes she took him up on his offer.

As they waited Moselle began to ask Namor questions about his people and why they were blue. He was reluctant to answer her questions since she hadn't answered any of his. He was trying to be patient, but Namor is not a man of patience. After a while a young man came to her holding the urn and gently handing it to her. Moselle said thank you, but he didn't seem to understand, so she gave him a light smile and bowed hoping that would suffice. Namor spoke to him, and the man placed a hand on his chest before leaving them alone. "You don't have to come with me you know?" Moselle told Namor who was setting his robe she had given back to him on the sand. He turned to her not acknowledging what she said and began making his way to the water. Moselle let out a long sigh and followed.

They swam in silence the whole way until Moselle stopped to let him know that they were here. Namor looked around to see the vibrant colors of coral reefs and ocean plants sway in the current. Schools of small fish pass by them as Moselle floated down to a pile of colorful rocks and shells, removing a large flat rock that sat on top of the pile it revealed a hollow hole inside. Namor watched from above as she stuck her hand in to touch another urn before placing her fathers along side it. Moselle looked at the urns and placed a small flower inside before sealing the top back so nothing disturbed her parents resting place. She swam back up to Namor letting him know she was ready to leave.  She didn't want to stay long.

They made their way back swimming in silence again, they stayed close to the surface to be able to see the way in the dark water with the moonlight dimly shining through. Namor led the way as Moselle followed behind him, he looked back at her to see she was lost in her thoughts not really paying attention. Namor knew this because he stopped and she almost collided into him. "Before we head back I must know something?" he asked. Moselle looked at him for a second then waited for him to speak. "When you first spoke to me in the cave, you said something about not being the one he asked about? What did you mean by that?" He watched for a reaction but she looked away from him, "Im sorry, I don't remember." she said a bit quickly. Namor cocked his head at her, he swam right up to her face so quickly Moselle didn't have time to react. "I suggest if you are going to lie to me, you do it better." he said in a deep almost threatening voice. He was still close to her before Moselle shoved him away from her.

Anger spread across Namors face, "If there is someone after you I must know. I will not put my people in danger." Moselle went to yell but stopped herself, she thought about the damage and destruction from that night. She looked at Namor who was seeming to soften his face to her. If she told him the truth what would he do though? She still didn't know anything about him or why he even saved her in the first place. "Before I answer you I need to ask you some questions." Namor looked at her and seemed to grow annoyed.

"I am the one asking questions here, not you." he said flatly.

"Well if you want your answers maybe you should start off with why you saved me in the first place? It's very obvious you do not trust me so why save me and bring me to your home you are so desperate to keep secret?" Moselle asked sternly holding her ground.

"Well believe me I am starting to question myself on that very topic." he said coldly

Moselle was taken aback by his harsh words, feeling her cheeks grow warm she looked him dead in the eye and said "Fuck you!" before swimming away from him as fast as she could, but Namor was faster.

Moselle barely made it a yard away before Namor was in front of her again, anger filled his eyes. Who was she to talk to him like this? Moselle went to swim around him but he caught her, grabbing her wrists he got close to her face again and talked in a low but angry tone. "You disrespect me after I bring you to my home, have my people bandage your wounds, even go as far as letting you bring me all the way out here to bury your father-"

"I didn't ask you to come!" Moselle interrupted him making Namor tighten his grip around her wrists a little too tightly. He went to speak again not realizing he was still squeezing when she cried out in pain. Namor snapped out of his rage and looked down at what he was doing, he released her from his grip immediately backing away from her. Moselle reached for her wrist and gripped it in pain. Had he really squeezed her wrists that hard? "I didn't mean-I'm-" Namor began but stopped when he watched her realizing he didn't cause the pain. Moselle began clawing at her bandages that were wrapped around the mark on her arm. When she finally unwrapped it, it revealed the same burning red glow from before. "No.." she whispered. She looked at Namor with fear in her eyes, Namor was already at her side holding her wrist examining it. Moselle could feel the pain begin to intense causing her to hunch over holding her arm to her chest. "Namor-please we need to leave." she begged in between the pain.

"Why?" What is happening?" he asked but before she could answer there was a huge splash above them causing them to separate from whatever impacted with the water. By the time Namor realized what was going on he saw a figure of a man grab Moselle and began to make his way to the surface, as Moselle tried to fight against him but her hits were unaffected. "Help me!" Moselle cried out just as her and Camazotz broke through the surface.   

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