Chapter 5

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"Ron, please don't say anything else

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"Ron, please don't say anything else. I know you love Krum, but right now, it seems like you're wanting to marry him instead of-"

Amora's POV

"Clear the runway!" Hagrid's shout can be heard from the towers.

Huge flying winged horses that is roped with multiple carriages flies through and lands safely.

"Well, there's always something you don't see everyday," Angelina says in awe of the horses. Which made me and Iliana chuckle knowingly.

Beauxbaton Academy of Magic has arrived.

Just then a huge ship surfaced through the water from the bottom.

Durmstrang Institute has arrived.

Great entrance Vik, I thought impressively.

"Pirates has now landed on Hogwarts," Hermione jokes.

"Pirates? What are those?" Ron asks.

And so Hermione explains.

The TriWizard Announcement

"Now, we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." Dumbledore announces, silencing everyone.

Me and Iliana stood beside Dumbledore as he announced the news.

"The Castle will not only be your home this year," Just as he continues, Filch bursts through the doors and closes it behind me, running up the path and towards Dumbledore. "But home to some very special guests as well."

"You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-" Dumbledore pauses as Filch spoke to him rapidly and in panic.

Filch mutters hurriedly, "The guests have arrived, they are hurriedly wanting to get inside. What do we do?"

"This will be quick, I'll then announce their entrances." Dumbledore replies.

At that Filch runs back to the door. Just as Dumbledore looks at both me and Iliana with a look that says everything we need to know. Prepare for the welcoming performance.

Dumbledore looks back at the student body and continues, "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a Legendary event, The TriWizard Tournament." Numerous faces light up at the mention of the event and excited chatter spread through. They don't even know what the event itself causes.

"Now for those of you do not know, the TriWizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school a single student is selected to compete. Let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted." A tense silence.

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