38. Fate

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Jungkook took out the bags of Tae and Veni from his car trunk, Namjoon was busy analyzing Jungkook, while Jungkook was handing him the bag. Namjoon dropped the baggage mistakenly, and Jin picked them up to help transfer the bags to their car. Later Jungkook took out the glass fish bowl..

"Ohhhh... careful... this is Tae's fish... Infinite Love... look how he named his pet...!! My Tae is something phenomenal!! Careful, Mr. Clumsy Hands. He really likes this fish." Jungkook handed that after a warning

"I will...!! But Tae is not really a pet person..." Namjoon said skeptical looking at the fish.... Jungkook is nt surprised..

"I know... it's my gift for him... he took care of this for my sake... so he loves it... be careful, buddy..." Jungkook said..

"Sure..." Namjoon said

"Here... my angel... babyVeni??!! appa is sorry... don't forget me... Ok..?? Oh my sweet little angel..." Jungkook showered Veni with kisses before transferring sleepy Veni to Jin's car.

"Kookie appaaaa!! It's cold... where is Jimin appa?!"Veni blabbered in sleep reaching back to Kookie, Kookie took her back...

"He's in that car... you sleep, baby...mhh... go to sleep..." Kookie took a woollen shawl and covered her to keep her warm, rocking Veni in his hands and only giving her to Jin once he knew she was asleep again.

"I don't know how Tae's gonna manage her without Jimin... I saved all Elle's videos on her phone..." Jungkook gave the phone to Jin along with Veni.

"Give me a few seconds with Tae... I'll be back with him..." Kookie said to Namjoon and got into the back seat of his car, shutting the door.

After ten minutes...

Jungkook got down from his car, carrying Tae in his hands in a bridal style. Tae was unconscious, his head leaning on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook bent down to kiss Tae's forehead.

Jungkook's eyes were red from crying, his chin trembling as he fought back tears. A few fresh drops threatened to fall from his eyes, his lips were red and wet. He looked very different from the Jungkook ten minutes ago. Even his voice stuttered as he spoke.

"Where to?"

"Give him to me... I'll..." Namjoon asked.

"Not to Mr. Clumsy Top... here... Mr. Broad Shoulders... careful," Kookie said in a teasing tone while carefully handing over Tae to Jin. He caressed Tae's cheeks one last time with the back of his fingers.

"Take him fast before I stop you all," Kookie said and walked to his car without turning back, but Namjoon stopped him by holding his shoulder.

"In case... if you feel it's really safe... Call any Interpol number and ask for June-13... say code green... I will contact you right after your call, Jungkook... I trust you!" Namjoon said patting Jungkook's shoulder in soothing way

"Thank you for believing in me, hyung... Take care of my love and my... angel... I trust you!" said Jungkook without looking back, leaving the place unable to control his tears.

Jungkook knew he couldn't trust Yoongi when it came to Tae. He knew it was the final goodbye. Jungkook sat in his car and leaned on his steering wheel, unable to hide his tears anymore. He watched Namjoon's car leave in his rearview mirror. Jungkook burst into tears and drove his car in the opposite direction, back to his home at an unimaginable speed.

That morning....

Jungkook 's farm house...

Jimin searched all over the house for Veni, realizing she was missing and that her things were gone. He hurried to Tae's room, concluding that Tae had escaped from the farmhouse along with Veni. Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes as he went straight to where Jungkook was unusually resting in the garden gazebo.

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