40.Firstday Nursery

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In Korea..

Jimin and Jungkook really struggled bad with the fact that Tae and Veni had left them. They had to put on a fake tough front every day to hide their true feelings from the world. The absence of Tae and Veni hit them really hard. Even though they appeared tough on the outside, inside, they were filled with sadness and longing for their loved ones

Jungkook managed to convince himself that staying apart was necessary to ensure the safety of Tae and Veni. On the other hand, Jimin found it really hard to come to terms with the separation. Unlike Jungkook, he didn't have the chance to bid a proper farewell.

At the beginning, Yoongi believed Jimin's distress would be fleeting. However, as days turned into months and months into years, their relationship remained stagnant. The situation worsened, with Jimin growing increasingly distant over time. He held Yoongi responsible for everything and ultimately chose to permanently reside with Jungkook.

Jimin's sadness was intense, and he held Yoongi's stuborness responsible for his emotional state. He desperately wanted to be with Veni again, but not if it meant causing harm to Veni's dad. This led him to grow angrier with Yoongi and made normal conversations impossible. Their relationship shifted to being strictly business-focused due to this situation.

After three years...

Yoongi arranged a formal dinner at Jungkook's place. Jungkook believed it was related to their recent shipment and arranged food for ten people, including Jimin. However, on that evening, only Yoongi showed up for dinner, surprising Jungkook and Jimin.

Sitting by the outdoor dining table near the swimming pool, Jimin and Jungkook exchanged questioning glances, unsure of each other's intentions.

As usual, Yoongi's demeanor was unyielding, masking the pain within him. It had been three years since he last spoke to Jimin like a normal friend, let alone an intimate partner. Yoongi missed Jimin mentally, physically, and emotionally, but his pride stopped him from reaching out.

"Isn't this an official meeting?" Jimin asked.

"With busy schedules, official appointments are all you both give me," Yoongi responded sadly.

"What's the purpose of this meeting, hyung?" Jungkook inquired.

"What else... the state of our relationship? Where do we stand?? What's happening between us?" Yoongi sighed.

"What? Nothing... nothing's happening between us..." Jungkook denied.

"What happened to our bond, our friendship?"

"What else... just business is happening... that's what we always wanted, right? Money, arms, contacts... business! Anyone who gets in our way faces death... isn't it a cool life style.... nothing to lose, no one to live for... " Jimin snapped.

"Hyung, let's not go into this. I don't want to talk about it. Isn't your business doing well? Be content with that and don't ask for more," Jungkook said.

"What about us, Jiminie?" Yoongi questioned.

"What about us? Learn to live without us, just like how I've learned to live without Veni and how Kookie's learned to live without Tae," Jimin's tone turned angry.

"Jimin, please understand. Tae being with Interpol is dangerous for us," Yoongi explained.

"Yeah, I'm fully aware. That's why we made sure the father and daughter are out of the picture. Don't expect anything more from us.... what you wanted happened... dont expect us to be happy after your victory .." Jimin said, his anger palpable.

"I didn't ask you to send Veni with him... you two did that behind my back. Do you think I don't care for Veni?" Yoongi's frustration showed.

"We care for them both. Unlike you, we're not heartless. She lost her mother, and it's cruel to even think about separating her from her father..." Jimin said.

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