Chapter 4. Potential Roommate

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of Brief Homophobia

Audrey's POV

Two years and eleven months before present day.

"Hello, are you doing okay?" A silky-smooth voice asked me.

"Oh yes, I'm okay. Thank you," I responded quickly before I looked up at the beautiful female cheesemonger with long black hair tucked in a ponytail and a pretty tattoo sleeve on her right arm. I immediately sensed butterflies fluttering in my stomach as she smiled warmly and walked away. I finally decided on the Cranberry Wensleydale and speedily walked away with my shopping cart.

Why does this constantly happen to me? I reprimanded myself.

This has become a normal occurrence for me whenever I see an attractive woman. I consider myself a demisexual, meaning I'm not capable of having sex with a person unless I feel romantically and emotionally connected to them. My friend, Vivian, think I'm too emotionally sensitive and shouldn't restrict sex to feelings, but I could never seem to just hook up with a random person for a one-night stand. I needed that passion, that love, and the fierce eye contact during climax...

I sighed and shook my head. Why the hell am I thinking about this in the middle of a freaking grocery store?

When I arrived home that day after shopping at Whole Foods, my mother must have noticed the expression on my face (whatever it was) because she asked:

"Did you meet a cute boy today? You look like you met someone."

"Yeah, I met someone. But I don't think it's going to go anywhere," I answered as I unpacked the groceries.

Yes, I do still live with my mother. I mean, the economy today and the rent prices?? How in the world can a twenty year old afford to pay for rent, insurance, gas, car payments, food, et cetera, in today's economy? I was aware of the option to live with a roommate, but living with my mother and enduring her constant naggings seemed easier. Plus, safety was a big concern as well.

Until today.

"Has he talked to you?" My mother inquired.

That's when I decided then and there that I would tell her the truth. Enough is enough.

"She, mom. I'm bisexual, okay? I like both men and women. I'm in a good mood because I saw a pretty woman. But like I said, it's not going to go anywhere, so please leave me alone."

My mother's mouth dropped open as she gaped at me in stunned silence while I continued to unpack the groceries. The rustling of packaging and paper bags filled the quiet air. Finally, a maniacal laugh escaped her mouth as she threw her head back and cackled like an evil witch who had just brewed up a potion to lure the unfortunate to her house.

"There's no such thing as bisexual," she finally gasped once her cackling fit ended. "You're either straight and attracted to the opposite gender like a normal person or you're gay and mentally ill, possessed by demons".

I wasn't exactly surprised by her outburst. After all, she is a longtime Infowars listener and voted for Trump.

"What even makes you think that gay people are possessed by demons?" I asked, suddenly curious about that theory.

"Because gay people are the Creation of the devil and are possessed by demons as it's easier for a demon to possess a person who has sex with the same gendered person. Same with those trans people. A body containing two genders makes it a breeze for demons to possess it. Their thoughts and wants are unnatural and ungodly. They can't even produce children the natural way."

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