Chapter 26. Making The Choice

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Audrey's POV

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. I was arguing with Scarlett when out of nowhere, Julia tackled Scarlett to the ground. I watched, frozen to the spot, as Scarlett pushed Julia off her and lunged at her headfirst like a quarterback. By the time I recovered from my temporary stupor, they had crashed onto a table and sent it breaking down to the floor, the sound of shattering glass and plates echoing throughout the gallery. I heard people gasp and murmur in shock, but not one of those selfish pricks tried to stop them.

“Julia!” I yelled, running over to where they continued fighting. “Stop! Please!”

Neither of them even glanced at me or showed the smallest sign that they heard me as Julia punched Scarlett in the face, causing blood to gush out of her nose.

“You fucking bitch! You think you can have her all to yourself?” Julia screamed as she grabbed Scarlett by the shoulders and kicked her in the leg. Scarlett yelped in pain before punching Julia in the stomach, emitting a whooshing sound from her as Julia keeled over from the hit.

“Scarlett! That's enough!” I pleaded and tried grabbing Scarlett's arm but she jerked it away.

“Stay out of this, Audrey,” Scarlett growled as she glared at me for a few seconds before returning her attention to Julia who had already recovered from the punch.

Before they could charge at each other again, I jumped in between them and braced myself to take their impact. And they both stopped just an inch away from me.

“That's enough guys!” I hissed as I pushed Julia back and stood in front of Scarlett to block her from being hit again.

“What the hell is going on?” I heard Sebastian holler out as he bounded into view.

When Julia began attempting to reach Scarlett again, two security guards showed up and grabbed her under the arms.

“Take her outside,” Sebastian ordered the guards, who nodded.

“I’m sorry, Julia,” he added before they dragged her away as she struggled in their iron-grip. He then turned towards me and Scarlett. “Audrey…”

“I'm really sorry, Sebastian,” I apologized. “I had absolutely no idea that Julia would do this, and… I definitely didn't know she would be here tonight.”

“You know what, I would kick both of you out as well,” he grumbled as he glared at us. “But because Julia started this, and you're my friend, I'll let you two stay. But…”

“I promise we'll behave ourselves,” I assured him.

“You better. I'll have the staff clean this mess up. By the way, do you need a napkin or something?” He nodded at Scarlett who was standing beside me holding her still-bleeding nose up.

“Oh no, I have one. Thanks,” I responded quickly as I pulled a handkerchief out of my dress pocket.

I lifted Scarlett's blood-stained hand and held the handkerchief on her nose for a few seconds before she told me that she can hold it herself.

“Maybe we should go sit on that bench over there,” I suggested, pointing over to the satine-colored wooden bench standing near one of the bleak, beige walls.

Scarlett nodded and without a word, followed me. Once we sat down, she leaned back against the backrest and tilted her face upwards. A few seconds of silence ensued as I debated on what happened.

This isn't like Julia. She hates violence. She hates fighting. And she isn't the type to get drunk or even a little bit tipsy at an event, much less at an art gallery. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath when I heard the bench creak. I reopened them and saw Scarlett had stood up.

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