Chapter 21. Unforgettable

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Audrey's POV

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Vivian asked me as she handed me the brown leather jacket.

“I need closure, Viv,” I replied. “I have to resolve any leftover feelings I have for her.”

I was at Vivian’s place after having gone shopping earlier that day. It was time for me anyway to add some more clothes into my closet, plus a part of me wanted to impress Julia. I wanted to show her that I was doing fine, even amazing, and I thought that I would be able to show that by wearing a very specific outfit.

“Girl, stop lying to yourself,” Vivian huffed. I noticed her roll her eyes in the reflection of the mirror.

“I'm not lying! I need to see her and kill off anything I have left for her.”

“Just admit it, babes. You're excited to see her after two years, and if you weren't with Scarlett, you would be rushing to see Julia as soon as you got that call from her.”

I sighed and didn't respond. Because as hard as it was for me to admit it, Vivian was right. If Scarlett wasn't in my life, Julia and I would be having one of those long-distance relationships sex. The kind where you exert all those emotions and pain of not seeing the person you love for so long into fucking.

I tilted my head to the side and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing blue skinny jeans, a white button down shirt, Faux leather jacket, a gold bracelet on my left wrist that Scarlett had gifted me a couple days ago, and brown winter long boots. I felt that something was missing from my outfit.

“I think you should wear this scarf.” Vivian handed me a gray cashmere scarf.

I wrapped it around my neck, and the look was satisfyingly perfect. I smiled and turned around to inspect my look from all angles.

“Damn, you look like you walked straight out of a Ralph Lauren magazine,” Vivian commented in admiration.

“You flatter me too much,” I grinned.“But thank you, Viv.”

The front door rang, the loud bell unpleasantly cutting through the peaceful apartment.

“Oh, he's here!” Vivian exclaimed excitedly and bounded out of the bedroom before I had the chance to ask “who”.

But as I looked back at myself in the mirror, sadness quickly creeped into me. Why was I dressing up? For what? To impress an ex who left me for Australia? And I was already dating the most amazing human being. Why was I doing this?

To get closure. To finally resolve whatever feelings you have left for Julia so that you can move on with your life. And you're not dressing up for Julia. You're doing it because you love looking good. And so that she can see how happy you've been.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes. I rubbed my face with my hands, my anxiety increasing with every second. I took a shuddering breath and willed myself to calm down.

“Audrey, this is Alessandro.” I heard Vivian say. I jumped up from the bed, brushing my clothes off as Vivian entered the bedroom with a man who looked like he's just stepped off a runway.

“God-like” was perhaps an understatement. He had curly well-groomed black hair, olive-tanned skin, biceps that bulged through his long-sleeved white dress shirt, and glistening-white teeth that literally sparkled in the light as he beamed at me.

He must have been over 5'10 with the way he towered over Vivian's small 5'3 frame.

Before I could open my mouth to say hello, Alessandro walked across the room in three steps and exclaimed:

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