Chapter 5. You Knew?

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Scarlett's POV

Five years and nine months ago

"Okay, you can do this," I assured myself as I sat down at the dinner table with my parents with a plate of Le Gigot D'Agneau, a traditional French roast lamb.

My parents are both French, born in the beautiful French village of Amboise. My mother is a gorgeous, tall woman with curly red hair, hazel eyes, a few freckles scattered across her face, an elegant and agile body, and an amazing taste in fashion.

My father is a handsome man standing at approximately six feet and three inches with ordinary brown hair, blue eyes, and a well-defined jaw. I inherited my mother's hair, hazel eyes, agility, and fashion taste, and my father's strength. I was born in France, but we moved to America when I was twelve years old, and we have all gained our US citizenship when I turned twenty years old.

This may sound ridiculous, but it's actually really cool to have a dual citizenship.

I discovered that I was into girls when I was roughly fourteen years old. I acquired a humongous crush on one of my girl-friends but because I was the popular "French Ginger", I was afraid to act on my desires as it would have tarnished my reputation and image. So... I dated high school boys and pretended that we were perfect when underneath there were problems as I wasn't as intimate with them as they wanted me to be. I hated high school and being called a ginger but as a teenager, I was desperate to tolerate and do whatever was needed to be done, so I can be on top of the popularity chain.

Once I graduated high school and transferred into college, things took off in a very different direction. When I was nineteen, I fell in love with one of my female classmates. She was the most phenomenal subject in the class that absorbed my attention and whom I studied as much as I could. We started to chat immediately during our first class together where the teacher made us partners for an assignment, almost like he knew....

Anyway, to make this painful and heart-tearing memory as short as possible, we quickly became friends, and I eventually asked her out with the trepidation that she would not only reject me, but also expose me to everyone. To my surprise, she not only said yes to me, but she was also tremendously thrilled. We dated for over a year, and we did everything that couples do, including sex which was outstanding.

But things went downhill when she betrayed me and left me heartbroken. I can't imagine trusting my heart to anyone again. So I dealt with my pain through one-night stands with random women.

All that people knew was that Abriana and I had a ginormous fight, resulting in a destroyed friendship where we ended up avoiding each other like the plague.

I've never revealed to my parents that I'm into girls, because I was uncertain at how they would react at the news. I've seen how other parents react, and there was no guarantee that mine would be any different, despite the fact that they loved me to the moon and back.

"Mamá, Papá, I have something I need to tell you, and um... I've been trying to find the right time for this," I announced hesitantly.

"Oui, mon biquet?" (Yes, my lamb?) My mother asked as she stopped eating and directed her attention towards me.

I nervously fidgeted with my fork, thinking that maybe this was actually a bad idea, and I was about to commit a terrible mistake from which there was no point of return.

"What is it?" My father interrupted my racing thoughts. They were both looking at me inquisitively.

Here goes nothing, I thought as I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my pounding heart that sounded like a thousand drums thundering in my ears.

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