Chapter 30. I'll Kill For You

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Scarlett's POV

Trigger Warnings: Homophobia, slight violence

A thud ensued from inside the house as soon as the front door closed.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, panic rising in my chest. I rushed up the stairs, only to be met with the mother's lanky body blocking the door.

"You're not going anywhere." She folded her arms across her chest and glared at me with the piercing stare of a hawk.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way," I said through gritted teeth. The mother didn't budge a muscle.

"And I said you're not going anywhere near my house, you demonic piece of trash," she spat at me.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" Fury rose in my voice.

"You're the one who is brainwashing my daughter into believing that she likes girls." The mother bared her teeth. "I don't accept the likes of you."

"Oh yeah? Well guess what, Ma'am, your daughter isn't-"

My words were cut off when I heard a car dash out of the garage. It sped down the driveway, smoke drifting from its tires. Despite the speed, I caught a glimpse of Andrew at the wheel.

Everything clicked for me at that moment. I knew that Audrey was in the backseat, and that thud I had heard earlier was her. She was being kidnapped, and I let it happen.

"Hey! Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I yelled as I ran after the speeding car. I picked up a rock and threw it, missing the bumper by just a few feet.

I chased after the vehicle until the gates opened to let it through, and closed immediately after. The skidding of tire marks and burst of nitro let me know that it's time to think of some other strategy.

I knew it. I fucking knew that Andrew would have something up his sleeve. I mean, what else was expected of him? And I let her walk in there like a fool. Her life was in danger, and it's all because of me.

"Where the fuck is he taking her?" I demanded when I retraced my steps and reached Audrey's car, which was useless to me, because she had taken the keys with her.

"You think I'm going to tell you anything, you swine?" The mother scoffed, an evil smile curling upwards on her stupid face.

"Where." I repeated again, each word in sync with every step I took. "Is. He. Taking. Her?"

I stopped when I had reached the top and was standing no more than a foot before her. That smirk on her face, with the monstrous glare, only increased the anger inside of me.

"Nice try, bitch." The mother grinned.

And that's when I slapped that smirk off her.

She gasped when my palm made contact with her cheek, the sound slicing through the air like a blade. Her hand flew to the growing red mark as her eyes widened at me before she attempted to swing a punch at me. I dodged it by sidestepping and grabbed her wrist. I forced it behind her back before shoving her forward, causing her face to slam into the front door with a bang.

"Open the fucking door," I said in her ear. At her grunt of refusal, I twisted her arm, emitting a wince together with the cracking of frail bones. "I know you have the keys. Open the door, or I'll break your fucking arm."

With her free hand, she pulled out the keys from her side pocket and inserted them into the keyhole. It took a few tries as her trembling hand kept missing the hole. The door finally clicked open, and I turned the doorknob before pushing her inside. She stumbled over the footstep.

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