Chapter 7. Why The Large Tips?

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Scarlett's POV

Three days have passed by at this point, and "Kate" had not come back into the café. I rewinded the entire conversation in my mind, and I didn't recall anything that might have dissuaded her from coming back. But I'm probably making too much out of it, and she's just busy like any normal person would be.

On the third night, I called one of my casual hookups, Chelsea, and tried to fuck the memory of Kate out of my mind. Unfortunately, every time I closed my eyes, I saw her beautiful face with that magnificent smile filling my mind with the warmth of the gentle morning rays of sunlight. Her angelic voice invaded my thoughts and didn't allow me to focus.

Chelsea could probably see that something was out of the ordinary, because she lifted her head from between my legs and inquired; "Is everything okay? You're too tense down here."

"I'm okay. Don't stop," I assured as I guided her head back down with my hand. I closed my eyes, trying to stop erase Kate from my mind, but to no avail. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden, I came so hard that my whole body trembled. I took deep, slow breaths while Chelsea climbed beside me and kissed my lips, clearly enjoying the level of my satisfaction, oblivious to the fact that she wasn't the person I thought of when I orgasmed.

Realization soon hit me. I liked Kate. That irresistibly captivating and euphoric smile entered my mind. I didn't even know anything about her, but I was already enamored by her as if under her spell. The desire to see her once again and hear her voice was overwhelming, even as I laid beside Chelsea who was sleeping soundly with her head on my chest. Perhaps I even... No, it's too soon. I've spent four years pushing away any possibility of love as a result of my ex-girlfriend's betrayal. But a woman just walks into the cafe and exchanges only five words with me, and now I can't shake her out of my thoughts...

I didn't know what was happening, but I had a feeling that my questions would be answered if I just saw her again.

Two weeks later

Two weeks had passed by this point, and Kate still hasn't set foot in the café once. And during those excruciatingly long days, my heart would skip a beat each time I heard the door open, hoping that it was her but I always ended up being disappointed.

It was 7:00 P.M. I was exhausted and ready to turn my evening shift over to Carmen. As I was about to leave, I heard the door open and at first, I decided to not pay attention, but suddenly the air around me changed from cold and dark to warm and sweet. The aroma of lavender and honey filled my lungs. I glanced in the direction of the door and saw none other than Kate walking up towards the counter where Carmen was already standing in my place. I immediately bolted to the front without my uniform and eagerly said:

"Hi, I can help you today!" I nudged Carmen away. She looked at me with a confused look and I whispered, "I'll take care of her order. Please, just go."

"Oh, hi," Kate beamed, her smile so warm and bright that it spontaneously put a matching smile on my own face.

"I was hoping that you would return," I grinned.

"Yeah sorry. I was kinda busy but I finally found some time today," she slightly chuckled as a rosy color crept up her cheeks.

"Let me guess, you would like the Matcha Latte and the Smoky Lamb?" I asked unconsciously, immediately regretting it when her eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my god, are you a physic? I mean, I know last time I ordered the Smoky Lamb, but how did you know I was in the mood for a matcha latte?" She asked, clearly taken aback.

"Well, that's what I usually go for at this time," I lightly laughed, holding up a go-to cup of matcha latte that I had prepared ten minutes ago for myself.

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