Chapter 25: We Finally Meet

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Scarlett's POV🥀

I groggily opened my eyes to see Audrey's face close to mine, still sound asleep. I brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes and she stirred a little. I softly traced her cheek with my finger and admired how beautiful she looked asleep. Even though we've slept in the same bed together for several weeks, she looked even more stunning this morning.

Plus, this time she was completely naked.

Audrey slowly blinked her eyes open, and I don't think I've ever seen a sight more beautiful. It was like watching a rose open its petals and bloom to its full potential.

“Good morning, mon amour,” I said with a warm smile.

“Morning,” she replied, giving me a sleepy smile.

I gently brushed her hair with my hand and kissed her. Her bare shoulders peeked out from under the covers, and I placed a kiss on top of one of them.

She smiled again and closed her eyes, going into her short morning after-sleep nap. I quietly got out of bed and after putting on an oversized T-shirt over my own naked body, I left the bedroom to prepare breakfast.

Thirty minutes later, the delicious aroma of sizzling omelet filled the kitchen as I finished blending together a parfait. I heard footsteps and turned around to see Audrey dressed up in jeans and a black dress shirt walk into the kitchen.

“Hey,” she said, giving me a peck on the cheek.


“That smells so good,” she said as she leaned against the counter and watched me flip the omelet onto a plate.

“You mean it smells moanably good?” I joked and cocked my eyebrow.

She laughed and the sound vibrated warm waves in my heart. I watched her raise the glass of parfait to her lips and take a sip. I cleared my throat and diverted my gaze towards the stove before turning around to face her, leaning back against the counter.

“About… last night…” I said hesitantly. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened.”

“What about last night?” Audrey asked, confusion spreading over her face. “If you're wondering if you were amazing, you were magnificent.” She gave me a grin and took another sip.

I chuckled and felt myself blush at her words.

“It's not… that. Um… it's… I…” I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. “It's about… it's about what happened at the beginning.”

“I'm not following,” Audrey frowned, setting down the drink.

“I feel like I've been a bit too aggressive,” I said and turned my eyes to the floor. “And when I told you that you… that I own you.”

There was a moment of silence before I looked up and saw Audrey standing in front of me.

“Hey. You were amazing,” she said, approaching me and placing her hands on my hips. “I mean… I did tell you who my friend actually was and that reaction was something I should have absolutely seen coming.”

“It doesn't make it okay,” I said, trying to avoid eye contact. “I… I grabbed you and said—”

“Hey, hey,” Audrey said, tipping my head up to look at her. “I wasn't scared or anything, because I know that you would never hurt me. Believe me, if you were doing something wrong, I would have told you. And everything you did last night was incredible.”

I still wasn't convinced. I did tend to be a little fierce in the sheets, but last night I mostly did what I did because a small part of me was mad that she was meeting up with her ex. And my mind was much clearer this morning, so I felt super guilty.

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