Chapter 6. Size Doesn't Matter

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Audrey's POV

One year and five months ago

"Do you have a condom?" I breathlessly asked Nikolai as he carried me inside his apartment and pressed my back against the wall while trailing kisses down my neck.

"Yes," he answered with a devilish smirk as he brought me into the bedroom and gently put me down on the bed.

"Hurry up," I demanded as I took off my clothes and threw them at him while he excitedly undid his shirt and jeans. I propped myself on my elbows as he climbed on top of me and caught my mouth with his. Once he broke off the kiss, he looked at me with desire in his eyes for a couple of seconds before he trailed his kisses down my body until his head was between my thighs. That night, he made me orgasm three times and showed me that my needs came before his. Pun intended.

Nikolai has been my boyfriend for four months. This was actually our first time becoming sexually intimate and I admit, it was stupendous. And Nikolai was a gorgeous specimen. Long beautiful curly black hair that reached halfway down his back, high cheekbones, gorgeous green eyes, and a body that would make young Zac Effron envious.

Of course, my mother was giddy with excitement when she found out that I was dating Nikolai, especially after I came out as a bisexual to her over a year ago and told me in private that the two of us would make an excellent married couple.

And let me tell you something, I will not be marrying anyone anytime soon. I want to live my twenties enjoying my freedom and focusing on me, not some kids and a husband who will probably not provide attention or help with the household and I'll end up like one of those many married single mothers that I keep hearing about. I mean, ending up with a decent man is like finding a needle in a haystack.

But things have been going pretty well between me and Nikolai. He pays attention to me, always opens doors for me, doesn't let me walk on the outside of the sidewalk, cooks for me, etc.,

He's the man of any girl's dreams, but it wasn't enough for me. Perhaps I'm ungrateful, but I miss a woman's touch and love. Especially Julia, whom I still think about every single day.

The next morning

"Hello, my beautiful lady." Nikolai's voice rang near my ears. I opened my eyes to find his face uncomfortably close to mine.

I abruptly sat up as I realized that I had overslept and groaned in annoyance. The clock showed that it was 6:00 A.M. Shit, I slept an hour later than usual, I frantically thought. Why the fuck didn't this grinning idiot wake me up on time... Wait, why didn't my five AM alarm go off...

"Did you turn off my alarm this morning?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Nikolai's smile didn't falter as he showed me the breakfast tray containing fruits, Skyr yogurt, and a green smoothie.

"I did, but it's the weekend and you looked so peaceful while you were sleeping that I wanted you to have an extra hour of sleep."

Who the fuck asked you to decide what's best for me? 

"Thank you, Niki," I told him instead with a smile, as he set the tray beside me and kissed my forehead.

"I prepared the shower for you, so you won't have do it yourself. I'll leave the key to my apartment right here." He took out a key and put it on the nightstand. "Just make sure you lock it behind you, okay?"

"Mhm, okay," I nodded, hiding the panic that was rising in me as I drank my smoothie.

"I love you," he prompted, giving me another one of his smiles before he walked away.

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