Chapter 32. Confrontation

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Audrey's POV

Trigger warnings: Brief mentions of SA/rape

I suddenly jolted to consciousness as a loud bang made my eyes fly open. A painful pounding filled my head as I strained to see through the pitch blackness blocking my vision. The burning sensation of a coarse rope appeared on my wrists as I attempted to move my hands. I whimpered quietly at the pain as I shifted in my seat. My panic rose when I realized that my vision was blocked by a narrow strip of cloth. The bitter taste of iron lingered on my tongue as I strained against the restraints.

Light abruptly hit my eyes as the cloth was roughly yanked off my head. I blinked several times as my sight adjusted to the sudden brightness. In front of me stood a figure, and when my vision finally cleared enough, I recognized them. Shock traveled through my body as my heart raced faster than a bullet train.

"Glad to see you're awake," Andrew smirked as he flung the blindfold to the other side of the room.

"You?" I struggled a little with my bounds. "What the f-"

"Did you really think you were going to leave me so easily? Without consequences? Huh?"

I couldn't sound out any words as my breathing rapidly escalated, the thunder of my heart almost deafening in my ears. Pangs of pain appeared in my chest as it violently heaved up and down.

I darted my eyes around the dimly lit room. It seemed as if we were in some sort of warehouse near the ocean as the scent of salty air drifted through my nose. Tall, ominous windows adorned the walls. It must have been evening since it was still quite light outside. A few faded sunlight rays shone through the windows, barely illuminating the dim room. The faint sound of a ship's horn blared in the distance as I returned my attention towards Andrew.

"So you don't care about the consequences? For what you're doing right now?" I glared at him.

He laughed. "You think I haven't thought about it? I don't give a fuck. And that bitch's threats no longer mean shit to me."

"Don't you fucking dare call her a bitch," I seethed.

"I will call her whatever fucking name I want to. Bitch. Whore. Slut. Which I'm sure you know she is one. I mean, she has slept with half the city. Which makes you a fucking whore as well," he snickered.

"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just live your own life and leave us alone?" I whispered. I tried to hold back the tears which threatened to spill out my eyes. The burning pain of the tightly wound ropes chaffed my skin, my raw skin feeling as if it's being sliced open with every small movement I made.

"Why?" Andrew grinned. "Because it's long due for that bitch to know who she's dealing with. And... it's time for me to take away the one thing she treasures the most. And apparently, it's your stupid ass."

"Have you... ever thought that maybe you deserved to be beaten like a weak bastard?" I bluntly asked. He didn't appear to show the slightest change in emotions as he took several steps towards me.

"Deserve it? For what? For wanting something, and not getting it? Why should I be punished for being denied a simple thing?"

"It's called rape," I answered as I stared into his satanic eyes.

"That's a harsh word," he tutted as bent down to look at me at eye level. "I suppose she told you, huh?"

"She did."

Andrew cocked his head to the side and curled his lips into an evil smile which spread from ear to ear. The very sight of it sent chills down my spine as it made him look like one of those possessed people from the movie 'Smile'. The next thing I knew, a stinging blow landed on my face as Andrew smacked me. It hurt as if a blowtorch had lit up on my skin. A trickle of blood began sliding down my left cheek when a ringing appeared in my ears as my face went numb for a brief moment. The taste of iron lathered my tongue as I spit out the blood.

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