Chapter 15. Why him?

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Scarlett's POV

"I'm just so mad at that fucking shit," I grunted as I exerted my whole strength into the dummy Bob. Carmen held it in place from behind to prevent it from being toppling over because of my rage.

"What are you going to do when he comes back?" She exhaled sharply as I landed another punch.

"Honestly? I want him to get what he deserves. What kind of sick monster hits a woman?" I kicked the dummy while imagining it was Andrew’s stupid face. I visualized the sickening crunch of his stupid cheekbones crushing from my blows.

"I thought you said he pushed her?"

"Pushed. Hit. Punched. What's the fucking difference? He put his hands on her and he'll pay for it.”

"Have you thought of anything else besides what would land you in jail?" Carmen rolled her eyes.

I didn't answer her for a couple of seconds as I continued to punch and kick the dummy; each hit followed by Carmen muttering curse words under her breath.

"Audrey told me that she'll attempt to talk to him once he flies in tomorrow and I'll be around to watch if he tries anything," I breathed, the fury and rage fueling my training spirit.

"What do you mean, around?" Carmen raised her eyebrows at me.

"I'll be hiding under the bed."

"What if he finds you?"

"He won't. And that's not what I'm worried about. Her safety is my number one priority. I don't care what happens to me." I shrugged, meaning every single word.

"You really love her, don't you? I mean, I know I kind of pressured you into going out with her, but…"

"I don't think I just love her, Carmen. I think I'm in love with her. I know that it's too soon, but I can't live with knowing what that prick did to her until I give him a piece of my mind. Which, at this moment, is very, very mad." I concentrated my whole energy into my final punch, nearly knocking Carmen backwards as she stumbled to find her footing.

"Jeez, Lettie!" Carmen gasped as she regained her balance, keeling over to catch her breath.

"Sorry," I apologized, handing her my water bottle after taking a swig of the cold, refreshing liquid.

Carmen glared at me as she snatched the bottle out of my hands, gulped down the water, and poured the rest over her head, letting the drops slide down her skin.

"Carmen! That was my water!" I exclaimed.

She stuck out her tongue at me, at which I reacted by grabbing my white gym towel from the bench nearby and swinging it at her. She dodged with a hearty laugh and started to run off, with me chasing after her. I finally tackled her from behind after ten seconds and we both went flying down the gym mat, laughing like two kids.

Thankfully, the gym was empty, as it was close to midnight. Carmen was a fitness/boxing trainer, so she was good friends with the owner who has been allowing us to use the space at night. I have been coming in here to train and exercise since I usually don't have enough time to do so during the day.

I sprawled out on the chilly rubber mat and looked up at the ceiling with Carmen laying beside me, and sighed. I thought about what Audrey and I had discussed over the past week. Her bastard boyfriend was going to fly in from London tomorrow morning, and she would pick him up from the airport. Once they arrived at the apartment, Audrey would lure him into the bedroom and break up with him. I would hide underneath the bed and be on the alert for anything. She had assured me repeatedly that she’s adamant about leaving him so she can be with me, and that she doesn’t love him anymore.

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