Gojo arranged marriages

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I wish I could summon Mahoraga on majority of these to make my brain adapt to how terribly  done these arranged marriage stories are

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I wish I could summon Mahoraga on majority of these to make my brain adapt to how terribly done these arranged marriage stories are. It is overly cliche but it's not that. I'll get into why most of these are bad and not done right.

Why is this usually done so bad or just not really JJK at this point.

1. Most of the time the clans are more into incest marriages to keep the bloodline within the clan.

2. Gojo wouldn't ever allow himself tie down in an arranged marriage because literally everyone was so damn afraid of him so he could over turn the arrangement. There's like nothing known to his family but Gojo has too much influence that even the higher ups don't fuck with him. So am arranged marriage? Bro would not even show up to the ceremony.

There is one on AO3 where the OC is a trophy wife for Gojo and it just doesn't seem Gojo with how much hatred he had for the OC being trapped in a marriage that he is barely ever home in his "estate" so he's always out on missions

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There is one on AO3 where the OC is a trophy wife for Gojo and it just doesn't seem Gojo with how much hatred he had for the OC being trapped in a marriage that he is barely ever home in his "estate" so he's always out on missions. There's no goofy Gojo or anything but it's just doesn't sit right.

If he never wanted to be in that marriage he could've over turn it realistically because that's how powerful he is. Even his own family wouldn't fuck with him. So yes, majority of these arranged marriages aren't that good.

Then the usual clan arranged marriages to unify the clans. Some random mid clan that has a mid curse technique is set to marry the strongest sorcerer alive.

God these are so bad.

It's also shown that the clans do look for love outside of their clans hence Toji gave zero fucks and married two women outside of the zenin clan

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It's also shown that the clans do look for love outside of their clans hence Toji gave zero fucks and married two women outside of the zenin clan.

Gonna go with the realistic route that arranged marriage plots for Gojo Satoru aren't really it for the JJK world. Make an AU businesses arranged marriage story because it'll be a better setting because Gojo won't have his powers to kill anyone setting him up in such a situation.

Anyways, try to stray away from such a cliche and make something that just builds their relationship than something forced. I'm not saying all are bad, but majority of them are just done wrong and are terrible.

Anyways next rant in a bit.

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