OC/Reader is also a vessel

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Why are all of these done so bad or that it's clear author hasn't read the culling games arc...

I'll just debrief somethings that it was stated how Yuji can cage Sukuna whereas literally no one else could. And all the incarnated sorcerers with vessels completely overwritten the original soul that inhabit the body except for Angel who didn't want to fully take over Hana.

Unless you're OC is some experiment from Kenjaku then your OC most likely can't hold down another soul that has a lot more cursed energy.

Seen a few of these "I'm the queen of curses" vessels going around and it's too cringe to read through it knowing authors be calling Sukuna a curse and so on

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Seen a few of these "I'm the queen of curses" vessels going around and it's too cringe to read through it knowing authors be calling Sukuna a curse and so on. I'm stating my opinion how these are terrible plots. This isn't like Naruto where anyone can become a jinchuriki. Your soul has to be relatively strong to cage the other soul from taking over your body.

Only other thing for this is just Angel's case if you desperately want to go with this cliche setting. Then make it actually interesting that the incarnation sorcerer doesn't want to fully crush the original host.

Some may agree to disagree but it's stated in the manga how Sukuna wasn't able to permanently take over Yuji full time and the past sorcerers were able to have stronger souls than their hosts

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Some may agree to disagree but it's stated in the manga how Sukuna wasn't able to permanently take over Yuji full time and the past sorcerers were able to have stronger souls than their hosts. Take Kashimo, Uro, Ryu, Yorozo, the sumo wrestlers for an example. Apparently Reggie was incarnated as well.

Anyways next rant soon.

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