OC clan issues in fanfics

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This one can be touchy. We do love some new clans right? However, it can go too far on the unrealistic route when it comes to "rule bending" within JJK's world.

The most common trope is OC/reader's clan is in the top 4 in jujutsu. This is cliche and overused. I've read some decent ones that the clan is in the top 4 but that's because authors understand that all 3 of the clans (Kamo, Gojo and Zenin) were powerful in equal terms. Not the worst in fanfiction, but we'll move on from here.

Many authors tend to feel the need to make up a clan for their character. I find OC clans a bit boring honestly, I've read some good ones on AO3. However, wattpad fanfics are quite underdeveloped compared to AO3 in all honestly.

A bad example of what I do not want to see in fanfics:

OC/reader's clan is insanely strong and has been around as a legendary clan for 1000+ years that made Sukuna shrivel whenever he hears about them. Sukuna had to wipe 99% of them out during the heian era so they wouldn't rival or be a threat to him. So essentially #1 clan in existence. Could be worse, has some background but would you call this good writing? Out of base experience, not really. Even Naruto clans have had this problem but on a far worse level. Don't dump everything in one chapter.

Dumping the entire clan's info in the first chapter as the strongest known to man kind doesn't make me want to continue reading the fanfic. Flesh out the clan and character out in the story with your world building. Not everyone in JJK come from clans either. So you really don't have to try hard with the over powered clan trope.

My clan is the most powerful known to man kind that actually my ancestors defeated Sukuna.

No. I will not continue it if I come across another fanfic like that. Changing the history of the story actually sounds worse than bending some rules on the power system.

OC/reader comes from one of the major three clans? That's great. I don't hate these as much as the made up fuckery over powered clans that throws the Jujutsu power system to shambles.

TLDR clan advice:

- try fleshing out the clan through out the story (I've read some great ones that OC was powerful but not Gojo level one tapping the universe) so I'm going with the realistic trope that would make the fanfic better. It is better period.

- OC comes from one of the major 3 clans. I'm completely fine with this but please don't have reader/oc inherit both projection sorcery and 10 shadows from the Zenin clan. Sounds stupid but I remember someone did that. Lastly, please DO NOT make your OC into another six eyes limitless user when it's been stated only one can exist at a time. And it's EXTREMELY rare to even inherit the six eyes to begin with. To the one fool who said people can rule bend. YOU don't rule bend shit like this. It makes you as an author look dumb. People will call this out regardless. It's bad writing. Stick to SOME of the source material at least.

- clan being top 4 is fine but do not go off on a tangent dumping everything about the clan in one chapter. That's why we go back to the first point to flesh out and develop the character through out the story. So please DO NOT state that the clan has been the most powerful to exist, killed sukuna in the past and all this other nonsense. We still need to keep in mind to have some good world building.

- OC being the last of the clan seems a bit too cliche. I've seen too many fanfics do this, but I don't mind too much about it. Seen some fanfics where the character magically turns out to have blood lineage of a very powerful clan in the past that was wiped out by Sukuna. Sounds interesting, right?

Lastly, agree to disagree. I don't have much of a preference on clans, but unless it doesn't state OC clan as the most powerful and was strong enough to defeated Sukuna in the past. Maybe add something a bit more interesting than that?

Anyways, I'll probably not post for a while. Being unmotivated and people commenting illiteracy lately.

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