Incest fanfics

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Ya they're everywhere and it's not just JJK.

I came across this gem on tumblr and wanted to claw my eyes out

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I came across this gem on tumblr and wanted to claw my eyes out. Yes, in JJK incest is present in the series but do y'all actually want to read that shit? Absolutely not.

The big clans have definitely done some incest shit to keep their bloodline and inherited techniques with the clan. Toji broke that curse and married an outsider. It's actually not forced in the JJK world to have arranged marriages within your clans. I did cover that in another rant since you're allowed to leave your own clan. Hence Maki did, and Toji did.

Gege Akutami said in the fanbook that Mai's possible crush might've been Megumi. And Megumi answered Todo's question what type of girls he like. He thought of his sister before answering "if she has a moral compass, there isn't anything else I'd ask for" Hinted. People are assuming because he thought of his sister before answering Todo. Doesn't mean he may like his sister but would date someone like her. It's holy weird. Anyways moving on from that.

Now to the main point, pretty sure a lot of us don't like reading incest fanfics. Sure the manga may have incest in it but doubt we enjoy those scenes. I sure don't. There's another character but I won't reveal it, I'll come back and edit this part when it gets animated since it's a spoiler that turns out to be a pedo with their own sibling.

That is all.

Stop writing incest. It's gross. No explanation needed.

My reaction when I come across them

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My reaction when I come across them.

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